Beginning a UJ Pirogue for the 1st time - Again! | Page 2 |

Beginning a UJ Pirogue for the 1st time - Again!


Well-Known Member
Scarf or Butt joints

Hi Vtfogg, Lots of good advice all around. Ascarf joint is better than a butt joint, both will do the job. You should try to build to the best of your ability and pass that knowledge as the thread with the school kids.You should try to build that silk purse or jewelbox everyone can't but we should do our best. You can build a boat without being a "Boat Builder". The people on this form will give you all the advice and knowledge you will need. Good luck go for the stars and let others " Gauk ". Keith


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Yep keith,

I think much the same way. I try to do as good a job as I possibly can but rarely achieve perfection.

A less than perfect boat can still be a very good boat however, and with each build the quality and workmanship gets better.


Well-Known Member
scarf joint

Hi Mick, I agree with you completely. If a shoebox is all you can do, go for it and have fun all the way. No one is perfect but you should try to do your best. If you never try, you sure want get there or close. I've seen a lot of nice boats on here, so I know that we have some good shoebox builders out there. Later, I'll be watching, Keith


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
Rutland, Vermont
Okay, I ordered supplies from Raka today. I'm getting their standard supplies (1.5 gal of 606 epoxy, 1lb of maplewood floor, and cloth) for the Uncle John's kit, plus some brushes, pumps, 16 oz. mixing cups and squeegies. The boys are doing their home work this afternoon, and we're headed to the basement tonight to measure and cut some luan.

I hope this goes ok! :? - VTFogg



V T I don't care what the final boat looks like. We want pics.

The actual building don't matter. The time spent with the boys is all that counts.

Trust me, it will float and give many hours of enjoyment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
Rutland, Vermont
Well the boys are upstairs getting ready for bed. Let's see, for progress tonight we cleared everything off of the ping pong - er I mean the official pirogue building work table. Measured 10 inch sides, drew straight lines, and cut "sort of straight" cuts for three sides. Not a bad start! The two older boys took turns sawing, and my little guy, Nate, was a good clamper and "wood steadier". It's a start.

Where's Rutland? Well, we're sort of smack dab in the middle of the Green Mountain State of Vermont. Lots of beautiful mountains, as well as ponds, rivers, and lakes to paddle on. A bit chilly lately for some of you lovers of grits, although Kayak Jack would probably be comfortable at 24 below. We love it! Come and visit!

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Rutland VT coming up in the Norden bomb sight here. Both Muddy & Rocky Ponds NW'ly of town are in sight. Friendly's Restaurant is still open. So is the Ginger Tree Limited. Jones Donuts & Bakery just closed.

Three kids are out playing at the athletic field next to the junction of East and Otter Creeks.


Well-Known Member
VTF, you wrote " Kayak Jack would probably be comfortable at 24 below. We love it! Come and visit!"

Well, a couple of us saw that and started a little email tree....and decided to visit you on Feb 18th through March 3rd. We can bring sleeping bags but we'll all still need beds to sleep in, old bones you know. Lets see.....there are about 14 guys ready for the trip now and a couple not yet decided, could go as hig as 18, I don't figure there could be more than 21 even if they bring friends and health care workers. Oh yeah, do you have a good drug store in town where we can get our meds refilled?: And some of the boys are on low sodium diets.....but we all drink beer, so have plenty. Real beer, none of that fizzy water from St. Louis.

Let me know if this will work out for you. Be sure to run it past your wife and thank her in advance for letting you make that kind offer so we feel comfortable dropping in on you. We'll all be happy to offer advice on your new boat and a couple of us can help the boys with their homework, 'long as it's not too hard.

Do you have parking enough?
Remember the beer.

Cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
Rutland, Vermont
Hey good idea Island Piper! Me and the boys have got it all figured out. Now I'm careful to teach the boys the value of being careful with your money, so they came up with this plan on their own. What do you think? They say:

There's 18 guys so 4 of them can sleep on the upper level of the tree fort, and 4 on the lower level. The other 10 can sleep under the deck. Don't worry, it has a metal roof under it to keep you dry and anyway it we can guarantee it won't rain because it's below zero out there. That's good because it will keep the beer really cold for you. Just drink it before it freezes solid!

The two older boys went on to say that blankets are available for a small donation to their college fund. Gottal love that entrepreneurial spirit! :D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'm# 19. But you can hang my sleeping bag up in a tree - head down.


PS: please have plenty of bugs in store. Otherwise, I'll have to pick fleas off Piper-san again. And he gets grumpy along about 03:00.

Come to think of it, he ain't much better any time of day. Grumpy Olde Farte. Keeps mumbling something about snow plows waking him up, deer blind fell down, smoked whitefish, and black flies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I heard about this trip and someone said there would be a lot of white stuff to enjoy ... so naturally I thought it was Grits.
Got the shorts packed , with a clean bowl and a washed fork , all ready to travel an enjoy life.

THEN.......... I found out about something no one said anything about , That white stuff is ....... SNOW........ That is the stuff they have where it gets below 70 degrees and everyone knows that is bundle up weather , put the shorts and "T" Shirts in the closet weather. The weather them Yankees like.:evil:

Just to cold for this old stump jumper and swamp paddler so if you don't mind ... count me out since I only have one pair of long pants (Jeans) without the knees or rear worn out and they are my going to town for a BBQ , Sunday best. :oops:
You can send some of the beer down here. It might thaw out before it gets here.

PLEASE .. Do Not include a tape of Jacks snoring , NASA Might think Florida is being invaded by alien space craft or some sort of a sonic weapon. They are only 25 miles from my place... As the buzzard flies , Ya Know.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
PSSST - Piper-san. It's just like you said. We mentioned snow and Chuckus Shivericus chickened out. You were right!

Dern right........ I will give you an example of the easy living here in the south. Billy Bob ( Bubba ) sent me a e-mail about Boudreauxs last fishing trip....... Here is his e-mail.


Boudreaux been fishin' down by de bayou all day an he done run outta night crawlers. He be bout reddy to leave when he seen a snake wit a big frog in his mouf. He knowed dat dem big bass fish like frogs, so he decides to steal dat froggie.

Dat snake, he be a cotton moufed water moccasin, so Boudreaux haf to be real careful or he'd get bit. He snuk up behine de snake and grabbed him roun de haid. Dat ole snake din't lak dat one bit.

He squirmed and wrapped hisself roun Boudreaux's arm try'n to get hisself free. But Boudreaux, him, hada real good grip on his haid, yeh.

Well, Boudreaux pried his mouf open and got de frog and puts it in his bait can. Now, Boudreaux knows dat he cain't let go dat snake or he's gonna bite him good, but he had a plan.

He reach into de back pocket of his bib overhauls and pulls out a pint a Louisiana Coonass moonshine likker. He pour some drops into de snakes mouf. Well, dat snake's eyeballs roll back in his haid and his body go limp.

Wit dat, Boudreaux toss dat snake into de bayou, den he goes back to fish'n. A while later Boudreaux dun feel sumpin tappin' on his barefoot toe.

He slowly look down and dere be dat cotton moufed water moccasin, wif two more frogs.



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
Rutland, Vermont
Hey oldsparkey, if you come to visit with some of that shine you can stay in the house where it's nice and warm! I always wanted to try just a bit of that. - VTFogg :)


Well-Known Member
VTF........get a gallon of coleman lamp fuel and strain it through a couple of slices of rye bread and you'll have white lightnin'.........just make sure you have your will made out before you drink too much of this stuff.

Oh, yeah.......get some grits.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
VTFogg said:
Hey oldsparkey, if you come to visit with some of that shine you can stay in the house where it's nice and warm! I always wanted to try just a bit of that. - VTFogg :)

A wee bit of that white lighting and you would never know (or care) if the heat was on or off in the house.

If you mix some mud in a bottle and add a shot of it along with enough water to fill the bottle up you would think it is 40 minute old scotch. :lol:

I think Jack said the 40 scotch is the best and I am sure it was minutes , no one in there right mind would age anything longer then that. Unless the revinouers were in the bushes outside the outhouse.



Well-Known Member
VTF........if you ask a friend to hit you fairly hard with a 2 x 2 right about where your nose meets your forehead, then spin around till you get dizzy you can have all the fun of white lightnin' without having to pay for it.

About sunup the next day have that same friend smack the BACK of your head this time. No need to spin around this time.

rock 'n roll
