Bamboo paddle shaft? | Page 2 |

Bamboo paddle shaft?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
When you lay up the laminations and glue them up for the shaft, before rounding the shaft glue(read epoxy) up two laminations on each side of the shaft on each end for the blades. Get out your planes,spoke shaves (straight, concave, and convex), and sandpaper and carve the blades. Look a lot better than attaching thea plywood blade to the shaft with a hose clamp and drywall screw.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

Bamboo comes in two main varieties, - running and clumping.

The running stuff is a weed and once established is hell to get rid of.

the clumping varieties (that we have) pretty much sticks to the original clump that just gradually expands in girth over time. Easily controlled by harvesting whenever the timber is needed. :D.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Personally ..... I think Bamboo shoots are delicious , especially in a stir fry with some water chestnuts and the rest. A little seasoned Tofu an soy sauce ( spoiled , liquefied and salted Tofu) does not hurt matters......Just makes it better. :lol:

PS.. SERIOUSLY .....If anyone wants to know .... I would be more then happy to tell you how to WOK ya Bamboo. :wink: The left over ( dregs ) from the soy sauce is called Scotch. :p


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of Bamboo too , I get mine from the same place as Mick , mine are only small at the moment but with time should be huge , the species I have are Dendrocalamas Sikkimensis which will grow to about 20 metres tall and 20 cm thick , very good timber bamboo , I have 10 of them planted , I also have a Murray Island Bamboo , a New Guinea Black and a Oldhamii , love the Oldhamii , will have to get several more , love the sound of the wind through the bamboo groves , like dozens of gentle wind chimes , very relaxing and restful



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
love the Oldhamii , will have to get several more , love the sound of the wind through the bamboo groves , like dozens of gentle wind chimes , very relaxing and restful

Yes!! 8)

Next time we go out to Bambooland (I didn't even know they had a website), will get some piccies of some of their magnificent stands.

Coupla hippies run/own the place and have made a fortune here. Robi and I haven't been out there for a while. Great place to go, have one of their lovely coffees under the bamboo and then spend way too much money :oops:

We also planted some of our bamboos on the south east of our hose to act of wind breaks in the event of a cyclone. the worst of the wind will hit the bamboo and then be deflected up and over our house. 8) (hopefully)

Dave, You got plenty of water?

We drain all the water from the shower and washing machine around the bases of the plants. Can allmost hear them growing. 8)


Well-Known Member

I have 5 tanks giving me 120,000 litres storage , so have plenty of water , I give them each 9 litres every 2 days and a handful of fertilizer once a month , the hot winds have been giving them hell , and the leaves dry out quickly and as you know it's been windy for several months here



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Thanks for the link Sheetsy. :D Viridistriata is what we call bar code bamboo. :D very popular round here.

We have a couple of Bambusa textilis glabra that are also looking real nice but they aren't nearly as vigorous as oldhamii or as heave shade. Probably make good paddle shafts or spuds though. :D

Been trying to grow a Betung Hitam, but they have died each winter. Will have to go out to bambooland and try to find out what I am doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
hairymick said:
Thanks for the link Sheetsy. :D Viridistriata is what we call bar code bamboo. :D very popular round here.

We have a couple of Bambusa textilis glabra that are also looking real nice but they aren't nearly as vigorous as oldhamii or as heave shade. Probably make good paddle shafts or spuds though. :D

Been trying to grow a Betung Hitam, but they have died each winter. Will have to go out to bambooland and try to find out what I am doing wrong.

Oops :oops: Looks like I got your picture descriptions mixed up. What is your average low in the winter where you live?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Not sure what the average winter low is. In cold snaps, It can get as cool as around 30f early morning but quickly warms up to around 75f by around 9 or 10 am. Last year the frosts set all my young bamboos right back. The maturing ones coped well.

We generally only get 2 or 3 cold snaps each winter. They last a week or so each. Apart from them, it rarely gets below 50f. :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Vertical flooring? Wasn't going to ask so I looked it up. Vertical and horzantal refers to how the flooring is laid up. Hortanzal is laid up flatsawn and vertical is laid up quartersawn. So for ripping to to make laminations you would want to use vertical flooring. I think.