Rasslin' with a big bag jest aint worth it, but tryin' ta come up with a one piece solution wont work. I never slept out in the woods when it stayed the same temperature all nite long. Most of the time it iz much warmer til the wee hours, when it gits much colder. That iz why I am lookin' at one layer, plus some eazy ta handle add ons.....a polartec hat, a polartec blanket, anuther polartec blanket, polartec gloves. Sometimes a hoodoochie comes in......mite git warmer.
The problem with a big bag 'er anythin' else that takes a heap rasslin', zippin', unzippin', wrappin', unwrappin', cussin', etc. iz that it wakes ya up....sometimes puts some anger in yer head. It aint eazy ta git back ta sleep after a big bag 'n a slippery pad put a can of whup ass on ya. [This iz likely a bigger problem fer long fellas 'n wide fellas.] I plan ta start with the pad on the bottom with a blanket on top of it. Then I will lay on it. I plan ta keep all the other stuff handy fer when it gits colder.
The problem I see with a big eskimo suit 'er sewin' up a army blanket (besides the weight) iz lack of temperature control. Best ya kin do iz stick yer arms 'n head out 'n mebbe yer feet? Sweatin' jest dont go with sleepin'.....in my book.
Before ya'll begin ta call me the new Clifford Jacobs, the Southern Test Facility haz gotta run some tests. We run a few without a guviment grant, jest dont like ta make a habit of it.
ps This thread haz gone too long with pirates hijackin' it 'er talk of grits. Feels queer.....kinda like the Twilight Zone when the funny music starts.
Jack Crabb: Grandfather, I have a white wife.
Old Lodge Skins: You do? That's interesting. Does she cook and does she work hard.
Jack Crabb: Yes, Grandfather.
Old Lodge Skins: That surprises me. Does she show pleasant enthusiasm when you mount her?
Jack Crabb: Well sure, Grandfather.
Old Lodge Skins: That surprises me even more. I tried one of them once, but she didn't show any enthusiasm at all.