Backyard Squirrel Photos. |

Backyard Squirrel Photos.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Bootlegger0173 said:
Don't know if yall like these things or not?
I like them in the same way W.C. Fields liked kids. "Fried."

Those red squirrels you have there are too small to bother eating, though. they are damaging rascals and will chew into a house, then damage the inside - wiring and all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Keith,

I like 'em, but I got a yard full...the big red ones. Lance jest saves the hind legs. I brung one in a few days ago, but Miz Bear dont want 'em in the ice box unless they look like hot wings. I love ta watch 'em, then they git in the attic....then I whack 'em....then we start over. Got one on the native pecan tree that likes ta watch me eat grits 'n eggs at the kitchen table ever mornin'. Mitey cute, but hiz days got a low number.

Tried some queer recipes (squirrel chili), but pan fried with gravy seems the best way ta go.

bodine culinary institute

ps If ya know a better way ta eat 'em, let me know.

The four books called the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which give, or pretend to give, the birth, sayings, life, preaching, and death of Jesus Christ, make no mention of what is called the fall of man; nor is the name of Adam to be found in any of those books, which it certainly would be if the writers of them believed that Jesus was begotten, born, and died for the purpose of redeeming mankind from the sin which Adam had brought into the world. Jesus never speaks of Adam himself, of the garden of Eden, nor of what is called the fall of man. Thomas Paine


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Granny would cook 'em for hours in a Dutch Oven for hours with alot of garlic, O/O and Eye-Tal-Yun seasoning. I haven't eaten one since those old days, especially after I ate my foirst prime rib.

I think those tree rats are the main ingredient in Vienny Sausage and buck a pound hot dogs now days. They ain't good enough for dog food.

Dang nice picture though! Good job!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
What animals make good eatin'? I ate some coon up on the Bluff that wuz mitey special. Squirrel hind legs taste good. Backstrap venison fries up great, the hindquarter makes top drawer chili. Some folks like rabbit stew. I made some fine duck breast chili once. My brother jest boiled some wild hog, but got down in the light beer 'n never made it ta the grill, but hiz wife sez it wuz good eatin' anyway.

This iz the pichur section. Hmmm.....dont take long fer a thread ta git lost round here. So do ya'll cook them little fellas?


Someday this war's gonna end. That'd be just fine with the boys on the boat. They weren't looking for anything more than a way home. Trouble is, I'd been back there, and I knew that it just didn't exist anymore. Capt. Willard

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I was raised on wild game. Raccoon made it to the table only once, and didn't last the meal. It was rejected because of the gooey fat. Like taking a mouthful of Vaseline and a bite of meat. AARRGGHH!!

Squirrel, rabbit, pheasant, deer, goose - all graced our table. Home made kraut, maple syrup, home grown vegetables, canned and frozen foods, apples in a barrel. Chickens and eggs from the yard. All, farmstead foodstuffs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Have a whole back yard full of them , nice and fat gray ones. Main reason is they are well fed here , the do like the bird feeders and especially the sunflower seeds in the bird food.

Darn things will even peel off part of a Naval Orange and eat the citrus in it. It's a funny sight of a orange with a squirrels rear half sticking out of it. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
squirrels is mitey fine eating - fry the young ones and stew the old ones

only thing is some folks shoot them in the head instead of the ribs

ain't much meat on their ribs but if you shoot their little heads off, you lose their brains


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Truthful Jack,

I figger it iz jest knowin' how ta cook 'em. Marty frum St. Louie brung a coon ta the Bluff-a-rama (a heap a tall tale tellin', Dago Red drinkin', airgun shootin', etc.). It wuz top drawer eatin'. Hector even brung a fine bottle of tequila frum Mexican City. Ole Tom puts jest a pinch tween hiz cheek 'n gum ever now 'n then. Give me jest a sip on my ay home frum the Buffalo Thunderbolt Expedishun last April.

One time this fella found hizself in the jail house back when L.B. wuz the high sheriff round here, word got out that he wuz a great cook, even cooked gar that wuz fittin'. In jail they give ya good time if ya behave. Ya serve a day 'n they give ya two days off. This po fella served ever dang day of hiz the kitchen cookin' fer the sheriff. He loved them gar balls.


Overgrown military establishments are, under any form of government, inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.  George Washington



Active Member
Mar 27, 2006
Lake Monroe, Fl.
Squirrel Stew


10 squirrels, disjointed
2 cups corn
1 lb bacon, diced
5 lb potatoes, diced
2 qt Tomatoes
3 lb onions, diced
2 lb lima beans
2 cup celery, diced
Salt and pepper to taste
¼ cup Worchestershire sauce

Place the squirrels in a large kettle; add water to half cover. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer until squirrels are tender. Cool. Remove squirrels from stock and remove meat from bones. Place squirrel meat back into stock and add next nine ingredients; cook two hours. Thicken stew with a small amount of flour mixed with water; simmer 30 minutes longer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
hair fall out??? squirrel brains don't make your hair fall out

here's the deal on hair fall out.....

God gave every man the same amount of hormones, some men choose to use up their allotment growing hair, others do not

that's my story and i'm sticking to it

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

Only a bald headed fella would ever try to peddle that story. If ya want to know the truth, just look for presence or absence of a smile on his lady friend.

Br' Bear, I suspect you're right. Mom parboiled ans skimmed, then baked on a rack. I got to thinking that baking beside - NOT over - coals would be better. Rig a reflector behind it and a trough under it.

I know that, if I was ever up against it, I would shy from eating raccoon. But it takes a fair weapon to kill one. It ain't like the Lost Man's Friend, the porcupine that you can kill with a stick. Or, a fool hen that can also be killed with a stick.

I carry 6 each 36" cable snells with swiveled clasps on the end around my hat. Can be used for trot line rigging or game snares.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Youse guys is right on both counts - the snare did catch a (willing) North Woods critter. And, yes, they're illegal in most places. I would use them only for survival in that case.

I hear, but have never tried, that if you lean a long pole or log up against a squirrel tree, and put several snares on it, you can get several squirrels. Something to remember.

I now carry a rat trap for %**&#^ red squirrels. Little (critters born of unwed parents) get into food packs worse than raccoons or bears.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Kayak Jack said:
I now carry a rat trap for %**&#^ red squirrels. Little (critters born of unwed parents) get into food packs worse than raccoons or bears.

Charley Parmalee has photographic proof from the first Miji trip I went on with the group. He patched a small hole from one attack and the next night they chewed one big enough to walk through.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
I now carry a rat trap for %**&#^ red squirrels. Little (critters born of unwed parents) get into food packs worse than raccoons or bears.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ........

They must be a worse pest then the black flies up there.

John Depa had remarkable things to say about his 30 days in the Boundary Waters except for ( as he put it ) the %**&#^ red squirrels. He could not say one good thing about them , except he was wishing for a 22 to use on them. He was mumbling something about taking a box of rat traps with him on his next time in there.

:lol: They put some drain holes in his bags , mighty considerate little critters..... aren't they.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Considerate! Now THERE'S a word I hadn't thought of. Persistent, hungry, pesty, bothersome, PITA, etc. were the only ones that were coming to mind.

Considerate, gotta think on that one some more. Thanks for the gracious suggestion.