There is so much knowledge on here and Jacks boat science, :lol: that I have another question I sure would like you to kick around.
Asymmetrical swede form
First I just like the looks of it
It seems this is the shape that is chosen in cars rockets arrow heads airplanes any thing that wind resistance is a factor.
In yaks I think it is more stable, sitting 18 to twenty inches behind the center of the boat puts your weight in the wider part and your upper body
which affects rolling the most in the widest part of the boat
You float shallower because weight is in the widest part
I think it is a faster better handling shape
more room in the cockpit
More trouble to build because you cant mirror image the front and back panels
Boat is wider so paddle interference is greater
Come on guys tell me where I am wrong or need to adjust my thinking
You know the Laker is a great boat wonder what a 13 ft laker asymmetrical swede form would be like hummmmmmmm Matt?
Asymmetrical swede form
First I just like the looks of it
It seems this is the shape that is chosen in cars rockets arrow heads airplanes any thing that wind resistance is a factor.
In yaks I think it is more stable, sitting 18 to twenty inches behind the center of the boat puts your weight in the wider part and your upper body
which affects rolling the most in the widest part of the boat
You float shallower because weight is in the widest part
I think it is a faster better handling shape
more room in the cockpit
More trouble to build because you cant mirror image the front and back panels
Boat is wider so paddle interference is greater
Come on guys tell me where I am wrong or need to adjust my thinking
You know the Laker is a great boat wonder what a 13 ft laker asymmetrical swede form would be like hummmmmmmm Matt?