Applying Filletts | Page 2 |

Applying Filletts


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
OBX North Carolina
I have never understood why someone would subject their life and limb and all the work thats involved in these project to building a paper mache boat. If you want the boat to last a wee bit of a time and hopefully passing it along to another family member or even give it away, don't you want not to worry about potential problems that may creep into the equation? If you are worried about the cost of fiberglass tape, then you should not be building a boat that requires it, especially given the cost of epoxy resin if that is what you plan on using to wet the drywall tape out.

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
The project I was on about wasn't boat related, more like box related. Wouldn't dream of using tape on a boat either. Plenty of folks do and that's their way I s'pose. Wouldn't knock anyone for experimenting though.
Cheers John.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
OBX North Carolina
john the pom said:
The project I was on about wasn't boat related, more like box related. Wouldn't dream of using tape on a boat either. Plenty of folks do and that's their way I s'pose. Wouldn't knock anyone for experimenting though.
Cheers John.
LOL! Experimenting is the very fondation in which boat building began and has evolved over time. Your concerns and observation is a bit misguided as I am probably one of the few left in the obsession of boats that gets up every single day and experiements with all things wood. If you listen to the so called consensous in the industry one should never build without plans too, which has also been proven completely wrong too. Yes this also includes crappy blueboard for building liteweight hulls, if you listen to some folks on online forums. All it takes is one build and you will find out pretty quickly that you are misguided if you think that its still a cheap boat and that its also less work too for small craft, especially in the setup of you want to end up with something thats decent forgetting the increased weight when it done. There is also many questions in which to wonder if the boat will stay together in the wrong conditions if you use simular mindests as you do when building a plywood small craft.
respectively yours in all things odd 8)