Anybody like old farm tractors? |

Anybody like old farm tractors?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
OK...... I'll take the BAIT. :oops:

Where are the old tractors that some of us used when they were new. No ... not us ... the Tractors and now we both are over the hill and on the downward slide ..... Not even thinking about the barns they were keep in. Inquiring minds want to know.

Tractors you say , Old Farm Tractors .. Ya Say :roll: ... all I saw was someone younger then my daughters and something that looked like a tractor ( New not Old ) there. ( Man it is a good thing we do not have a Lawyer on here to file an false misrepresentation suit on this heading or post . ) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS.. As you see , no one is safe on here when posting something. :D :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I drove that John Deere tractor (a dirty one like it) when I wuz a little pardner....burned my feet on that steel plate in the summer. When I got older, they got bigger. Now they drive theyownselves off a GPS 'n got sweet air 'n music in a glass cab. I figger the new ones must be kinda like a Hal 9000...mebbe 9000.03?


Faith is a cop-out. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can't be taken on its own merits.  Dan Barker


Well-Known Member
My grandpa bought a John Deere tractor in the 60s. It was a small one... a little bigger than the riding mowers/lawn tractors you see today. That thing has cut grass, plowed snow, hauled dirt, gotten rolled and flipped in the lake (bank was steep and my dad was brave), made many trips up the 1-mile access road to get the mail, and more. it was a working machine. They didn't baby it.

It finally was starting to break down too often for my, now retired, dad to have the desire to keep up with. He was looking to buy some parts for it when he saw how much the used ones were going for. Some collector ended up paying him like $800 for it. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
We had a one lung ( diesel) John Deer that you had to spin the fly wheel by hand to start it. That darn thing would run all day just ... chug , chug ,chugging along.
For light work there was a Red Farm All Cub that really got a work out. That sucker hever did break down and there were a lot of times I was wishing it would. :lol:
One of the folks down the road from us had a ( Gray and Red) Ford Tractor and his neighbor had one of those old ( wide) wire wheel ones with the spikes on the tires.

As far as I can remember and I sure would of , none of those tractors had the accessories that are in the pictures on this post. :roll: :lol: :wink:

Perhaps they were available as a factory option? Would have made for a decent sales gimick.

One of those had a hand crank but I don't remember which.

I vaguely remember an old humongous diesel generater that a guy had around here for a while. It only had one piston like that and you thought it was going to stall with every stroke, but it would easilly run a big house or a Mcdonalds or something like that. He had it on a semi trailer and would rent it out for hurricanes. I have no idea how much upkeep something like that required, but it sure was cool. Electrical cables were about half the size of a man's wrist!
Yep, you were right (of course). One of the later pictures shows the hand crank hole in the Farmall.

Anybody like Pepsi Products?


Wish I could find something similar for RC's.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
I work at a John Deere dealership and I deal with parts for those old tractors almost every day. A twenty year old tractor is just getting broken in. Sell plenty parts for thirty year old and older tractors. Had a guy come in about 2 years ago and bought parts to redo a 1948 model crawler tractor. He got parts to repair the tracks, bought a couple of gauges, and even threw a little fresh paint on it. Believe it or not, we still were able to get him some of the original decals for the side of the hood. And to top it off, this wasn't a little hobby project . This tractor was put back on a construction job and earned it's keep every day!

(Shameless plug) "Nothing runs like a Deere" :)
