Any Betty Page fans out yonder? |

Any Betty Page fans out yonder?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Nice pics, Keith. Betty Page was some kind of woman. Saw a special about her a while back. She never wanted to be in the spotlight after she aged. She said she just wanted her fans to remember her as she used to be. Evidently, reporters and photographers respected that and never took any pictures of her in her later years. I think she just recently passed away.

Well the story goes like this:

She was meeting with an amateur photo club so that they could try shooting a human model, and one of them brought some studio lights. When done I met her downtown and we hit it off pretty well. Was about 12:30 before we got to shooting. Went to the old Governer's mansion and shot on the historical grounds. I'd been told no fancy gear so only carried the XTi and 70-200mm f4 IS lens, and one 580EXII flash. While there, we saw two wedding being shot with portable softboxes but I would imagine that they had to get permits for that, and as-is, we just walked in from the street. Inside lighting was colonial and lacking the actual torches. She posed wonderfully and needed very little direction. Such a great gal that I'd have liked to have hung out with her whether shooting or not. Was a blast. She is reasonably pleased with the shots and I like them for what they are, but she really deserved better than I gave her so I feel bad about that. Anyway, plan to shoot another concept with her soon so maybe that will be on my own terms.