. . . . . and, there may be others? | SouthernPaddler.com

. . . . . and, there may be others?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Some of us, who are members of this group, are elders. Heck! Most of us are well into the realm of geezerdom. Part of the benefits of becoming members of that group, is a growing collection of wisdom. Much of that wisdom, probably came from making unwise mistakes. Once in a while, we were smart enough to have gained wisdom by watching someone else make their mistakes.

Another aspect of our geezerdom is weaker eyesight. We can't see as clearly now as we did when we were, say, 20 years old. We wear glasses now. We can't discern detail as rapidly, nor as accurately, as we used to. It's more difficult to read some fine printing. And that's what I'd like to address here.

Much of the population here on Southern Paddler probably shares fading eyesight with me. And, I have problems reading the smaller print that we use here to tell our stories. Maybe others have similar difficulties? Maybe we would have an easier time of it, if the print were a bit bigger? On the other hand, maybe I'm onlyin a small minority?

So, I ask, are there others on here who would benefit with larger print? A bit ckearer font?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
Jack, if you are using a Windows computer and a wheel mouse all you have to do is hold down the control (Ctrl) on your keyboard and roll the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom and out. I hope that works for you, but something in the back of my mind says you are an iPad guy. If so, I can't help you.

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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Thanks, Mike. Yes, I got smart enough to avoid anything that Microsoft sells. I can expand the text with my fingers, but then much uf it disappears over the edges. Squiggling it all back and forth disrupts any smooth reading process.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Yep the same problem here with the eyes , trifocals and cataracts.
I use a laptop but have it hooked up to a larger screen then the one attached to the laptop. The screen is 21 inches diagonally. To simplify things I also have a lazier mouse attached to the laptop. Basically the laptop is used as a desk computer.
It's still a laptop so it is mobile if the need arises , just unplug a few wires.
it seams that I am using the ctrl key and the center wheel in the mouse a lot with other web sites.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
What would it take to fix that? Have a larger font as the "standard" size, so it could be read easier without manipulation? I can understand that it might incur a $ charge difference for the Netsite? I'd sure contribute; others might too?


Staff member
May 8, 2017
Hey Guys. I have added an option in the bottom left corner of the website to turn on a "Larger Font Size" version of the site.
Click on Default Theme, and then select "Larger Font Size" from the menu.

I have bumped up the font size a little but if it needs to be even larger, please let me know.
This way the default stays the way it is but anyone can increase it if they wish.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Great job! Now what do I have to click on to get rid of arthritis in my knees? Or at least rid the pain?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I read on the bottle that a side effect it may make you uglier than sin!
Take back stuff you never stole, and bay at the moon on cloudy afternoons.