Amazing New Invention | Page 2 |

Amazing New Invention


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
oldyaker said:
"Really Chuck, that Army food is real good!"
"Ain't no Class 5 rapids on this river."
"It's around the next bend in the river."
I tell ya. Me'n Ole Rodney dont git no respect. We wuz born under a bad sign. What a revoltin' development!

I bet none a ya'll even ate any "new army" MREs. The times they are a changin'. Ya dont git the young gals 'n the MTV kids ta join up on pork 'n beans 'n soda crackers. The ones I toted on the St. Mary wuz way outta date. Miz Bear made me chunk 'em when I got home cuz her son sez..."I caint believe ya'll ate them....too old". [I think he meant Van.]

True, the army dont put wine in the packets, but after Iraq, they may have ta. :cry:

I already tole ya ta let me run the vittles some time. It will be the best eatin' ever. Who dont like a bacon, lettuce 'n tomater sammich? Breakfast....add a egg. Someday I aim ta set down 'n see how many I kin eat. I bet I kin out eat that Chinaman who jest won the hot dog contest. :roll:

There warnt no Class 5 rapids on the Buffalo river. No geezer blew out in any rapid....even though ole Grummanns with keels jest beg fer a dunkin'. The canoes wuz loaded down with campin' gear. When geezers make it okay, with the wrong boats, loaded down with gear, there aint much risk....long az ya tie all yer gear in tite.

I figger I done okay with a twenty year ole memory. I flagged the first rapid "Chuck's Ledge". I missed Gray Rock sue me, 50% aint bad at all. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The Tuckaseegee wuz much harder, but the geezers wuz catchin' eddies 'n surfin'....yep surfin'. oldyaker blew out one time, but he shouldnt have wore a watch anyway. :wink: Everbody who took a dunkin', will do better. If ya dont blow out, ya dont git yer dollars worth.

Next, Chattooga Section II....then Section III (but no Bull Sluice). After that "who knows". :lol: :lol: :lol:

best regards
bodine expedishuns

Cyncicism, as a state of mind, produces more accurate observations about the universe that practically any other. Michael Wikoff


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
I bet none a ya'll even ate any "new army" MREs. The ones I toted on the St. Mary wuz way outta date. Miz Bear made me chunk 'em when I got home cuz her son sez..."I caint believe ya'll ate them....too old".

SEE .... Oldyaker I tolt Ya he was a trying to pizen usun's. Yep , trust a Lawyer they will get ya one way er ta utter. :p

Speaking of utter things ........ has anyone ever located where he put that new roll of toilet paper on that trip, his hit still in the woods or did it migrate to the middle Mississippi Riber area whit them cookies Ms. Jean brought fer us :?:

Then there is the matter of him trying his level best to make sure we take a riber bath by capsizing in the riber and it was not even the 1st Saturday of the month. Two baths in one month , what is this world coming to :roll:
Boy , the guy's who make Right Guard sure are going to be out gunning fer him.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Mister High Sheriff,

I been lettin' it slide, but when I come in, ya gotta call out "O Yez, O Yez....the honorable bearridge iz on the bench.....if ya got bizness draw neigh 'n spill it". Ya never done no court duty? :wink:

Miz Winnie's homemade cookies 'n the hot dog buns warnt my fault. I blame wuz Swampy who hid 'em in my truck....'er mebbe Harry. Harry iz purty shifty lookin' that fake gunfighter, Swifty Lazar.

Ask oldyaker what wuz wrote in them BVD' it wuz bout cops 'n other guviment payroll folks. :mrgreen:

How bout we raffle off one of islandpipers mandolins ta raise cash money fer the tsunami folks? I got some tickets printed up. I am feelin' mitey lucky!

chief justice, retired

Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own. Aesop