a polite society | SouthernPaddler.com

a polite society


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

Ole Tom sent this news ta me a few weeks back. I wuz thinkin' bout our Brit, Aussie 'n Canuck pals 'n the harm the anti-gun crowd haz done ta 'em. I know the Brady Bunch dont like this news one bit.....Mister Kofi Annan neither.


bodine rod 'n gun club

Those who proclaim that the mere possession of a weapon causes the holder to contemplate criminal acts, are speaking volumes about their own tendencies. Sigmund Freud

Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
bearridge said:
Ole Tom sent this news ta me a few weeks back. I wuz thinkin' bout our Brit, Aussie 'n Canuck pals 'n the harm the anti-gun crowd haz done ta 'em. I know the Brady Bunch dont like this news one bit.....Mister Kofi Annan neither.

I hope that everyone who chooses to read the article will note that while it was released by a firearms industry group the statistics quoted are taken directly from Federal archives. Something you will not see from the Left or media.
As I wrote in a PM yesterday: <The single certitude in the matter is that anyone who wants to limit in any fashion the right of the citizen to possess, at his own discretion, the means of self-defense is the enemy of free men. No reasoning, no excuses, no good intentions, earnest or feigned, can ameliorate the incontestable fact that the person who would infringe upon the right of individual self defense is in the camp of the enemies of freedom.>

And I desperately hope that everyone remembers that when in the voting booth. 'Ole Tom'
"This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty . . . . The right of self defence is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, is under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction".--1803, St. George Tucker, observation on Blackstone's Commentaries
"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."----Thomas Jefferson

(While it may be presumptuous of me I'd like to add that the proof of the need is that 'they' ARE trying to take it. Tom)
Thomas Paine, the pamphleteer who was the spiritual Father of the American Revolution had the following words of wisdom on the subject:

"When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny."


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
More people are killed by Doctors, or Vehicles then with guns. I don't see them trying to outlaw those killers.

Besides guns don't kill people, a gun is an inanimate object not capable of independent action or thought, it is people who kill people.

I haven't checked the stats but since Florida passed the Shoot Your Neighbor Law I will bet that the crime level has gone way down. Especially at houses where the folks have firearms.

The best deterrent today is an armed individual who has the knowledge of their weapon and how to use it. Just like it was when this nation was young and growing.

In those days a person respected another person and used Yes Sir or Yes Mam when talking to someone. You did not insult, push your way in front of them or just act like an idiot because almost every one was armed with some sort of weapon, a normal one or a pocket pistol.

Take Sweden, everyone over there is armed and a member of there military, just like it was here back in the good old days when this nation was founded. Every house had a firearm in it and they knew how to use it in a minute , if they didn't then we would still have a Queen ruling us.

We have to many pacifists ridding on the coat tail of what our forefathers and some of us have done and bleed for to give us this freedom.

Freedom does come at a price and the price is a person willing to die to get it, something the wimps of today are not willing to do or they would have done there share in the military to preserve it.

It is the few who are in uniform ( Military and Civilian) fighting , bleeding and dying to give the majority ( Protesters & Congress) the right to screw everything up.
They are cutting there own throats slowly but surely (Ours also) and don't have the brains to know it. :twisted:


Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
oldsparkey said:
Besides guns don't kill people, a gun is an inanimate object not capable of independent action or thought, it is people who kill people.>

Entirely too logical for the Kool-aid Quaffers to be able to grasp the concept. We must never forget that if the left fitted any reasonable definition of sane that they would not be spouting all of the insane drivel.

<You did not insult, push your way in front of them or just act like an idiot because almost every one was armed with some sort of weapon, a normal one or a pocket pistol.>

You're spot on Chuck. The level of civility and mutual respect follows the same curve on a graph as does the level of armed citizens.

<Take Sweden, everyone over there is armed and a member of there military, just like it was here back in the good old days when this nation was founded. Every house had a firearm in it and they knew how to use it in a minute , if they didn't then we would still have a Queen ruling us.>

Er------I believe you're thinking of Switzerland where every adult male is a member of the standing militia from reaching his majority until retirement age and is charged with maintaining his issued weapon at a constant state of readiness in his own home as well as regular military refresher training. Sweden is very much at the opposite end of that spectrum. It is one of the leading examples of rampant Socialism on the planet.

<We have to many pacifists ridding on the coat tail of what our forefathers and some of us have done and bleed for to give us this freedom.

Freedom does come at a price and the price is a person willing to die to get it, something the wimps of today are not willing to do or they would have done there share in the military to preserve it.

It is the few who are in uniform ( Military and Civilian) fighting , bleeding and dying to give the majority ( Protesters & Congress) the right to screw everything up.>

Dead nuts!

<They are cutting there own throats slowly but surely (Ours also) and don't have the brains to know it.>

But principally they are not imbued with the sense of honor that earlier generations acquired at the knee of parent, grandparent, pastor and society at large. The sense of responsibility to community and society has been supplanted by a sense of self-worth at the expense of everything else. The sin of commission in this case can be laid directly at the feet of the psuedo sciences of Pschology and Psychiatry and the adoption of their heresys by the teacher's unions. The schools are the most active 'pushers' of psychotropic drugs in the nation, stridently demanding that mentally active children be put on various drugs that are proven to be detrimental to the mental health of many children. And then they decry the increase in teen suicide. :evil:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Nothing is a weapon, until it has been used as a weapon.

Anything can be used as a weapon.

Most folks don't realize it, but you can injure and incapacitate a person with common notebook paper, or a news paper. Rolled tightly, then poked into the groin, neck, eyes, it works well. A ball point pen can stab and kill.

Gree-itz can kill on contact.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I know I'm covering an old trail here........but Mizzus Yak had a revelation. She was never raised around guns but never had any issues with my small armoury. Well a story was on the local news about an old WWII Vet who lives alone. An intruder entered his house seeing an easy victim. The intruder was threatening so the old boy had his heat nearby. He grabbed his piece and told the intruder to lay flat on the floor. The intruder did however jumped back up and started towards the old Vet. The Vet got him with a gut shot. The intruder is in the hospital but will survive. He has about 3-4 charges waiting for him. The old Vet is walking away clean and is being seen as somewhat of a folk hero for being able to defend himself.
Now, Mizzus Yak wants to exercise her 2nd ammedment rights. She wants me to train her in using a handgun and get a license to carry. I'm proud of that Gal!
She knows with my schedule and sometimes I go off with the Geezers Paddl'n and camping for a week at a time, shes home alone.
I never forced her to do this.....It's her own free will. Gosh, I love that word Freedom! Guess I'll need to get her a membership to GOA! :wink:
With the anti-gun crowd in power, we need another 2nd Ammendment Rights member.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2006
South Texas
As a Career firefighter for the 9th larges city in the U.S. I have seen people killed with........

Guns, (big and small)
knives, both hunting and kitchen
a sauce pot (1qt)
Cast Iron Skillet
Bat (Wooden and Alluminam)
Cars (big and small)
Metal pipe
Large Coppoer wiring

I've seen more people killed by Cars (wrecklessness, drunkeness etc) than anything else.

2nd leading killer.........knives.

I'm an advocate of gun control but there is absolutely no need for Tech 9's, uzi's etc. 12 gauge shotgun with 00 or #4 buck do plenty good.