A personal Question | SouthernPaddler.com

A personal Question


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2007
Kansas City, Kansas
Now, I don't want anyone to get angry, and I just know that all of you are born again christian republicans, but I just have to ask... Do you cuss much when you work on these boats. I know that my parish priest is not going to be too happy about MY verbal enhancements. Things are progressing, but not without some embarassing screams. Just thought I would check. Progress of one day....

http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/wa1iczek/ ... /my_photos

I hope this come out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That is one of the benefits (if you want to call it that ) from making your own boat.
YES... A person does learn a few new words and it really surprises me that you have advanced so far in your %&(&%$#@&%% vocabulary by only being in the minor portion of the building process..... :lol:

Hold off till you get to the fiberglassing of the boat , especially the inside of it. Make sure no one is around when you start that process , especially your perish priest.

After you get it glassed on the inside then it is best to sit down with a few cold ones to relieve that built up tension and newly required vocabulary while admiring (Thinking about) your work.

Now if you did epoxy your hand or hands to your forehead in that process it is not our fault and we sure did not tell you what to say while you are getting your hands free. We leave that up to you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS. Make sure you have rubber gloves on in that process , this way it is a lot easier to get yours hands free from your forehead .... getting the gloves off your head is a different matter. :roll: They usually fall off on there own after a week or two , or so the guys tell me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2007
Kansas City, Kansas
Chuck, I am going in the morning to the local plastic supply company and pick up the necessary epoxy supplies, so that I have them on hand. I can hardly wait for that portion of this adventure.I know that I will forget something, So I will pick up some Bud Light while I am out( I'm old). Can't handle the harder stuff like you young guys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Heck Tom......Chuck talked me into building.......I just cuss him when it ain't going right! Chuck....Do your ears have ringing in them? Sometimes half a dozen times a day? :roll:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Tom,

What do ya aim ta do with that lite beer? I drank some once 'n wondered why. Most American beer sucks hind tit. Lite beer caint even reach the tit. After we put a can of whup ass on the Nazis, I wonder why we didnt take over their beer recipes. The Marshall Plan dropped the ball.


Woodrow Call: Gus.
Gus McCrae: What?
Woodrow Call: Why not go up to Montana? It's a cattleman's paradise to hear Jake tell it.
Gus McCrae: Sounds like a damn wilderness if you ask me. And we're a shade old to start fightin' Indians all over again, don't you think?
Woodrow Call: I mean it, Gus. Why not, go north with a herd?
Gus McCrae: I'll tell you what. You ride on up there, clear out the Indians, build a little cabin, get a nice fire goin' in the fireplace and me and Jake will gather a herd and then we'll come on up.
Woodrow Call: I'd like to see the herd that you and Jake could gather. Herd a whores, maybe.
Gus McCrae: Well you ain't no more a cattleman than I am, Call, and ya know it, too.
Woodrow Call: I wanna do it, Gus. I wanna see that country, before the bankers and lawyers all git it.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

During construction phase of my boats, I often have clergy in for training sessions. A priest, minister, rabbi, mullah, and a high-mucky-muck or two are normally standing by, taking notes, and relearning the origin of the Creator and Her Creational techniques.

Plus, I offer up thorough questioning of anyone's ancestry within a 2,100 yard radius - as measured at standard air pressure at mean sea level and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. They are all found to be lacking, or of questionable lineage.

The US Patent Office has credited me with invention of three new, and startlingly stunning, words of frustrated vehemential decadence. Chuckie banned all three, even though each goes beyond his comprehension.

Three neighbor ladies stand around outside my basement door, waiting for their hair to get curly. They are never disappointed. Fishermen come and bottle up the air to be used later for baiting catfish hooks.

Lexicographers hold up publishing their dictionaries - awaiting my pronouncements.

For years, this was the only exercise I got.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Yep Wal,

Swearng is a boat builder's right. Good beer and lots of it is, also.

When cussing and beer don't help, I nip out the back and administer myself two sharp uppercuts and then another one because I just know that I will forget the lesson learned in the stuff up I just did and will only make the same mistakes again in the next build.

So far on my latest build and I haven't even started stitching yet are - I lost count of the beers and 3 uppercuts :oops: :lol:

Re your build, mate, before you go much further, I would invest in a couple of saw horses. they will make keeping the panels level a lot easier.

all else is looking good though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2007
Kansas City, Kansas
I am so greatly relieved. Everything must be awright.
I do have several sawhorses, Mick, and I will be bringing them in the garage this weekend for the rest of the duration. They are just frozen to the damn ground. Darn groundhog, 6 more seeks of this stuff..
All have a quality day.


Well-Known Member
If a man cusses in his workshop and there's no one there to hear...that's sorta like a tree falling in the forest. :wink: Ya gotta let off steam somehow, or you'll get all kinds of bad stuff like high blood pressure and heart problems. So, cuss and be healthy. 8)


Well-Known Member
Kayak Jack said, "Three neighbor ladies stand around outside my basement door, waiting for their hair to get curly.".........and, ya boy, there is nothing as pretty as that light blue, curly hair, eh, Jack??

I'd heard that all three of them left their hearing aids home so they didn't have to actually HEAR what was gong on there...

heh heh heh

Piper (Grandpa used to say, "Quit swearin' dammit!!")


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2007
Kansas City, Kansas
I mentioned to Fr. Dan that I was building a boat, and he mutter something about that since I was building the boat he had better come down with holy water when it is completed. :roll:

Mick, Stupid saw horsesstill frozen out side, so I built this instead. Seems to work better anyway. I will build several cradles so I can hold the boat upside down when the time comes. Hopefully next week.

Kansas and Missouri rivers full of ice now, same for lakes, thaw about 30 days out, trying to get ready for opening trout season, followed by crappie run.

Take care,

http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/wa1iczek/ ... ir=ecf3re2


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Heya Tom,

Kansas and Missouri rivers full of ice now, same for lakes, thaw about 30 days out

:shock: :shock: :D

Mick, Stupid saw horsesstill frozen out side, so I built this instead. Seems to work better anyway. I will build several cradles so I can hold the boat upside down when the time comes. Hopefully next week.

That is what I need but I'm too darn lazy to build one.

You boat is looking good mate. How much rocker is ther on it.?