A Few Random Pics. | SouthernPaddler.com

A Few Random Pics.

Figure that I am new here, and so I'd better try to catch up a bit.


Me and Maggie:

Baby gator watches Maggie:

Supper(stage 1):

Supper (stage 2):

Supper (stage 3):

Trying to get away:

A little rest:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Hey, Bootlegger, welcome. Dainty fillet knife there.

Early this week or late last week, Discovery had a show on titled "World's Sharpest". they studied cutters and puncturers (newly invented word here) in Nature. EVERY ONE is serrated! Some are also self sharpening. Teeth, claws, thorns, etc. are all serrated.

As a result, engineers are redesigning many things we now think are the best. Hypodermic needles were demonstrated.

A clue should have come to us about 90 years ago when the found that obsidian flakes cut better than any razor or any scalpel.

serated hypo needles... Oooh, that makes my skin crawl-just thinking about it.

Glad you liked that. Story behind it was that one time a feller stated that you just couldn't use a big knife to properly do much of anything, and so the next year, I proceed to butcher a deer with my 12" machete.

Just seemed right to filet a fish with an 18" machete to drive the point home.

I usually prefer knives in the 3-5 inch blade range, but I never leave home without one of my machetes, you know.

About 30 yrds. up from that pic with all the splashing, I had ole leviathan nearly pull me from the yak, and break 30lb. spiderwire. Now if I was back home, I'd have assumed it was a small gator, but up here, I'd have a hard time believing that at this time of year. I'm betting it was a bit catfish, but sadly, I never even got it near enough to the yak to see it at all.

Place is hard to get to without a yak. Lots of log jams one way, and sand beds that even my 14ft. Johnboat will ground on, coming from the other way. Just a little island between swamp and main channel about 7 miles down, and 8 miles up. Sure do love camping there, though, just a bit much to get to without having the time to stay all night.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We all have our favorite little pieces of outdoors where we can be ourselves. Cumulatively, I call it "The Cathedral of The Great Outdoors" where I be with animals and think about my Creator. Tough to think of her all penned up in a building.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The best campsites are the ones no one else would think of going to , a little brush busting sure helps on finding a secluded spot. :D

My hat is off to Maggie , she is one smart pup , has her own on-board motor to paddle the kayak for her. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
Hey boolegger thats what i call rufing it & emprivising. Chuck aint got nothing on you. Thats my kind of fishing there & relaxing.