2 boats with Belly | SouthernPaddler.com

2 boats with Belly

well hello all.
Thought I'd start my build thread since I cut the forms for my 2 Lakers last night and mark the start date. Most have already read I am building 2 Lakers one for each Daughter
Wanted to order the full plans from Matt but budget restraints have forced me to go with the free plans (sorry Matt). Budget will also force a long drawn out build. Should be interesting.
Cutting the forms was a treat.....not.... I still had alot of scraps left over from my pirogue and other projects and wanted to use those up. I see that starting with fresh full sized sheets would definately be easiest. Several times I took measurements from the factory edge instead of the 1.5" in from the edge that the plans call for. Then of course I had a couple combo measurements that seemed to come from thin air and I still have no idea where they came from. Luckily I'm a "measure nine times then erase all marks and start over" type guy. I still ended up scrapping one form although later was able to squeeze an end form out of it. All forms were 2 layers with 2 sided tape to facilitate forms for both boats. They were cut on a band saw with a metal cutting blade. No tearout no sanding required.
My plan is to paint the bottom and leave the top surfaces bright. My youngest (9) has fallen in love with the purple of Robin's Laker built by Hairy Mick and the older (11) likes anything blue.
Mom will take part by being the build photographer.
Looking forward to it all. Both of my daughters will be very involved in the build of thier very own kayak.
thought it right to add a couple pics of the start of our build


The girls are really excited about it all, not sure if they are aware they will be required to take part in clean up as well
purchased 4 sheets of meranti last night. The one good side is beautiful although I may have to stain it, it is very blonde. The other side will require some creative hiding of uglyness. (read paint)
4 sheets is not enuff for 2 boats but I have allot of scrap left from previous projects.
The photo journal begins tonight
The builds have officially begun!!!
My youngest daughter Madison and I started marking up sheet #1. She read off the points and I marked them. Then I read them off from the sheet and she confirmed them.

then we cut a strip to form curved lines. Safety glasses are a must in my shop!

every job requires cleaning up.

still looks like flat sheets of plywood but I keep tellin them that a boat will eventually emerge.
Hopefully will do some more after supper when my oldest has finished her homework

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
GOOD ON YA for including your daughter in your building project. I can't tell you how proud I am of you as a Dad. Those bonds will still be there - though a bit buried - when she gets to be 14 and you, all of a sudden one day, suffer from a complete breakdown of intelligence. Then, in further years to come, she'll teach her children about "How your Grandpa and I built a boat." The torch will have been passed.

Also good on ya for teaching safety with the job. She's sweeping up a lot of good wood flour there. Save it, run it through a sieve.
tonights job was to finish off sheet 1. Using the strip we cut last night all the dots were joined. Sheet is now ready to cut.......tomorrow

so far involving my 9 year old has been wonderful. She had a big part in ensuring the measurments were perfect and she also drew all the joining lines. Not too sure about the cutting tomorrow. I may do the cutting myself, think I will give her a test piece to cut and see.
We did not loft the coaming pieces as I want to do custom ash coaming


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Bellybuster said:
1 boat cut out and panels sanded.
Boats are now on hold until I get back from a fishing trip up North...waaayyy up North
back at'er next week
Dang, Belly, you're in CANADA, how much further North can you go?! :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
For muskies, I use a hickory nut. Put it on a stump, about 3 feet from shore. A squirrel will hop out to get it, and while he is sitting up eating the nut, a musky will jump over the stump and get the squirrel.

A few minutes later, the musky will ease up and replace the nut.
sadly folks my 2 lakers are still only flat panels. Time has been the issue.
I am in a new job developing course material for a new Airforce Trade and am very busy (and hating it). I'm trying to find new employment that will allow some liesure family time. (more important to me than money)
Hopefully the job hunt will come to something sooner than later