180 beats a minute and 140 over 110 | SouthernPaddler.com

180 beats a minute and 140 over 110


Well-Known Member
Got to feeling a bit odd at work today and wound up at the ER for a while :eek: . . . Susie near went into panic mode until the Dr. said I straightened my own self out. . . Funny thing is all I did was feel a bit odd. . . a little light headed, breathing was a tad heavy and I felt a smidgen over warm like someone had turned the heat up or something. . .

When the EMT's showed up at work and they were checkin me out and asking questions, they were saying I seemed to be alright but wanted me to go to the hospital anyway to let the Drs have a look see. . . My boss looked at me and TOLD me I was going :evil: . . . . . had to ride an ambulance to go 3 blocks.... that's 3 blocks, now, as in T-H-R-E-E B-L-O-C-K-S :twisted: . . . Gonna hate seeing the bill for that one. . . :roll:

In the ambulance when they called ahead on the radio, they said heart rate 180 BP 140 over 110 :shock:

At the hospital, they hook me up for a EKG and tell me not to move. . .so I freeze and hold my breath. . . then the nurse looks at me and says I fixed it my own self. . . but I still had to let the dr say I was okay to go home. . .which took about four hours. . .

So. . .there be a $10,000 dollar bill coming to the house in a day or two. . . . :roll:

Now, I gotta break in a new heart doctor. . . ain't that a sheer joy. . . They isn't that easy to potty train nowadays. . . :wink:

Ever just wanna go back to bed and start the day over again and do things different? I do, right about now. . . :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Dang Steve,

That iz a bad day fer sho, but it dont belong here. This iz the BS section where folks tell stuff like how their day went buyin' groceries 'er how come we caint find Hussein Bin Laden over ta Afghanistan. Hope tomorrow goes better 'n dont leave the keys in yer pickup.


Little Bill Daggett: Bob walked right into the bar and shot at Corky, only he misses, 'cause he was so damn drunk he couldn't see straight. Old Corky went for his gun and got in such a hurry that he shot his own toe off. Bob shot at Corky again, and he misses again, because he's still so damn drunk. He hits this thousand-dollar mirror over the bar. And now, the Duck of Death is as good as dead. Because this time, Corky does it right. He takes careful aim, slowly squeezes the trigger, and... BAM! That Walker Colt he was carrying blew up in his hand, a failing common to that model. See, what I'm trying to tell you is if Corky really had two guns instead of a big d*ck, he'd be alive today.
W.W. Beauchamp: Wait. You mean, English Bob killed him even though he didn't have...?
Little Bill Daggett: Well, Bob sure wasn't goin' to wait around for Corky to grow a new hand, was he?


Well-Known Member
Chuck. . . I swear to ya's. . . I never look at the Playboy stuff. . . It'd kill me faster than Susie would if she caught me looking at it. . . hoooooooooooo boy! :lol:

Jack, the arrythmia thing was kicked around a tad bit, though no final call was made on it. . . They weren't sure what to give me 'cause of the Bradycardia. . . with a restin heart rate in the low 40's and upper 30's, doctors tend to git skittish as to what to give a feller :wink: . . .

What bothers them is how comfortable I am when it gets down that low. . . and how uncomfortable I am when it's in the upper 60's/lower 70's range. . . One nurse even said that gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "Now, don't be getting in no hurry". . .

The nurse called last night and said all my records from the heart doctor in Texas came in. . . She told Susie the fax machine was printing stuff out for an hour and a half. . . What's that say to the doctors, I wonder.

Oh, well, all I can do is get up and shave. . . and get ready for work. . . :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Steve, ya done good mate.

My old ticker does that to me from time to time and has brought on two heart attacks.

Don't mess with your distributor mate. if in doubt, get help, regardless of the cost.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
hairymick said:
Steve, ya done good mate.

My old ticker does that to me from time to time and has brought on two heart attacks.

Don't mess with your distributor mate. if in doubt, get help, regardless of the cost.

Heck .. Just get a regulator like I have which either makes it beat or simply restarts it if it stops.( Which ever is needed ) Darn things have been doing a good job for the last 15 years. I am proud to say that most of the time they are on vacation but do KICK IN when needed. :D
