Yep , it's true. Met a gent on the local waterway last weekend paddling a homemade pirogue. Chatted for a while and saw that it was your basic 3 panel boat, only it's empty weight is only 18 lbs. It has a 1/4" Luauan bottom, a framework for the sides, and flat aluminum siding material for the side material. This one was 15 yrs. old. Sez he's made about 30 of them over the years for friends, neighbors, and relatives. The thing doesn't leak, and I had to hurry just to keep up with him and he was using an old single blade canoe paddle. We've been e-mailing back and forth now and he is willing to give me some hands on lessons in this style of pirogue. Looks simple, the epoxy seals the bottom seams and stems, and upon picking it up, it felt like a featherweight. I want to get Matt's plans for the basic 14' pirogue and incorporate this build style to see what I can get. Can you imagin building one of the JEM 15-29 TV's this way? It would have to FLY on the water. We'll see where this goes.
He sez the aluminum is the same stuff they make house siding out of, and he orders it in 50' x 2' rolls, which will make 3 boats. Can't wait to give this a shot.

He sez the aluminum is the same stuff they make house siding out of, and he orders it in 50' x 2' rolls, which will make 3 boats. Can't wait to give this a shot.