$11,520,368.00 | SouthernPaddler.com



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
This is on the web and it ONLY covers the cost for Congress to pass the impeachment bill. Does not cover the cost of the Senate or any investigation costs or reports.
Pelosi and the democrats wasted even more then the $11,520,368.00

" To get a rough estimate for the cost of compensating members of Congress and their staffers for handling the various committee hearings and votes related to impeachment, you’ll need to calculate the payment for 1,600 individual days at $7,200.23 apiece. That adds up to a total of $11,520,368 — the cost of impeaching Trump. "

It's on the 2nd page of this article , Click on Story Continues at the bottom of the 1st page. Scroll down and look for the figure ( $$$$ ) I posted in the heading.

It appears they were protecting more then just a business interest.
( Just a thought I had...... The $11,520,368.00 spent by Congress for the impeachment fiasco needs to be repaid to the tax payers by all house members who voted for the impeachment. Might as well add in what ever the cost for the Senate adds up to and let the house members pay that. )
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
The whole fiasco was political madness that should have never occurred. I hope the voters remember this next November.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Everything they accused 45 of.... the Demoncrats already committed. Collusion with Russia.... Hellery and fake dossier on 45. She also arranged for the sale of 20% of uranium to Russia thru Canada and made 25 million off the deal.
Hobama was caught on a hot mic telling the Russkies he will be able to swing deals with them after his 2012 election.
The Biden family cabal... they even have Quid Pro Quo Joe on tape saying Ukraine wouldn’t get a billion unless they fired the investigator looking into Biden corruption.
EVERYTHING they accuse 45 of committing... they have already done.
They are anti-American.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I’m guessing that “45” means “T r. U m p”?

The actions go even further than that cited by my Brother Jim. When cornered, “they” whine, and sling labels in an attempt to create a red herring, causing distraction, and confusing the issue. If you corner one of “them”, they’ll call you a racist, misogynist, anti-gay - anything to try to distract the conversation. Disregard facts and argue with baseless emotions. It reflects the depth and direction of their thinking process.

By the way, adolescents think that way too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Has anyone ever considered that it just might be because of the elections later this year ?
What better way then to wait till the last possible moment ( Just before the primary's ) . Then spring all the mud slinging at your opponent in hopes of a gullible public believing all that trash. ( After all they had to protect Biden )
As a democrat you know the media is in your pocket and no matter what the evidence shows contrary to what you say it will never make it to the public.
Remember , Obama had relatives of all the major news channel CEO's on his pay roll in some form or fashion.
When Trump beat Obama's ( Democrat ) girl Friday ( Hillary ) he automatically stepped into a big pile of krap as far as the media and the rat pack was concerned. If you don't think Obama and the Clinton's controlled the media you are not thinking logically and you sure as hell have never been on AOL and it's affiliates. .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Joseph Goebbels was the the Nazi Parties propaganda minister. He did a damn good job because he had an entire nation believing the crap he broadcasted. We have at least four networks that are the propaganda wing of the Demoncrats party. They are not journalists in any sense of the word. Journalists report what they see and observe happening. CNN, MSDNC, CBS, ABC, and NBC tell you how you should think.
'When you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”
That’s why these Universities hate the first amendment. They don’t want free thinking! We love you if you think like we do or if you don’t we’ll step on you! Did you hear the Comrade Bernies campaign manager say if Bernie wins all Conservatives should go to re-education camps? Our Republic is on a dangerous path! Reagan put it best.... at any point in time, we are in only a generation away from losing our Republic. Politicans used to tell us what they would do for us. Now they tell us what they’ll DO TO US! Take away 1A and 2A, take most of your earnings to redistribute wealth, dump electoral college, and in and on.... and stupid people vote them into office! Did you ever think the voters would ever consider socialism? We are in deep shit!
Comrade Jimmy