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  1. B

    Recommendations for build table?

    just one thing to add.... Don't forget the height of the boat on the table when you figure out your table height. What may be perfect working on flat peices can quickly become too high when the boat gets 3D
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    12' strip kayak with no plans

    lookin real good so far
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    17' Endeavor Started (Stapleless)

    I was once milling up a load of maple logs for a guy on a band saw mill and we came across a log that was fiddleback throughout. The log was over 30" in diameter. I still have the 1 peice he let me keep. 10' X 14" X 5/4. The log from above and below it had nothing I can't stop coming back to...
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    17' Endeavor Started (Stapleless)

    I am awe struck....completely. What a beautiful piece of work. is that fiddleback maple in there??
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    12' strip kayak with no plans

    lookin good, that rear skeg may be a challenge but obviously you are up to it
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    Tandem kayak

    that is one fine looking craft, well built and a real looker
  7. B

    Since this the campfire chatter area I have a question.

    I vote for electric, Ipersonally find gas motors obnoxious. yes they do a great job but that constant noise goes against why I get out there in the first place. Battery technology is making some huge leaps right now in the weight department and as soon as the price comes down a 10lbs lithium...
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    21st Century SOF kayak kit build

    means the boss, the wife or "significant other"
  9. B

    21st Century SOF kayak kit build

    I'll be watching this thread with interest. With my retirement coming in January I have been drooling over the SOF Stonefly Canoe. I will google this company as soon as I'm done reading here.
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    14' x 30" x 18 lb. Pirogue

    Re: 14" x 30" x 18 lb. Pirogue 18 is that an Ultimate you're in????
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    our meat lovers pizza

    my first taste of a BBQ chicken pizza was in Adelaide Aussie. I was pleasantly surprised at how yummy it was. I now see them here all the time
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    Test on stability of asymetrical hull

    is it worth saying that part of the reason we put our seats aft of the center line is due to the weight of our legs forward of the centerline? Sit in your boat with your legs crossed and see how differently it performs. I would hazard a guess that the center of weight with your legs outstreched...
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    our meat lovers pizza

  14. B

    Test on stability of asymetrical hull

    ha, I love these threads. Permit me to add my take. I think the test was accurate for what was being proved or disproved. What I see as proved: 1. An asymetrical hull will indeed show more stability than a symetrical....if....the center of weight is placed at the widest point or close to...
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    What Works / What Don't

    friction is a strange creature and water friction against a hull is yet a totally different form of friction than 2 solids rubbing together. Most liquid lubricating compounds act more like a barrier between 2 surfaces so they don't actually touch thus reducing friction. Solid friction...
  16. B

    bed liner instead of glass

    seeing as the OP hasn't had any input since the start, I think we've been "josh'd" from the beginning. I just wanna know what is possibly to gain from this unorthodoxed approach to building a boat. I'm not sayin don't do it. Who am I to say what you should build a boat from? I wanna know "why"
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    Skinny perow coming ( Brazos Cruiser SS)

    Re: Skinny perow coming looking good Ron, I see we have similar storage devices for our clamps. (floor/ground)
  18. B

    bed liner instead of glass

    I'm trying to wrap around my noggin how this could possibly add any strength to the boat at all, structurally speaking. As far as I can figure all it will do is coat the plywood just like paint. No added strength in paint. These bedliners are actually quite flexible coverings. Fibreglass adds...
  19. B

    17' Endeavor Started (Stapleless)

    all I can say is WOW. That tiger maple (we call it fiddleback maple) is fantastic.
  20. B

    Building first pirogue - spud poles?

    I personally would consider making your tubes out of fibreglass instead of PVC. FG tubes can be easily made by wrapping around saran covered PVC. I would just think you'd have a hard time getting anything to give you a good waterproof seal against the PVC pipe. As far as the spud pole...