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    Yup, sure...they just take twice as long. piper
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    And, just in case you were wondering Jack, a fella can brand those 1/4" wide grill marks on his fingers with this stove just like the two-burners. Somebody told me that. I'd never be dumb enough to touch those GD hot bars. piper
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    I just got back from a trip into the North country, visiting our son and his wife and then more family on the way home. In a little antique place right on the Mississippi up there where your grandma could throw a rock across it I found a Coleman 426D, one of their white gas camp stoves...
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    No Fun

    I thought a de-fib-ro-later would keep olde fartes from stretching the truth. Then, i found out that they were actually the little basket thing that takes the fuzz out of the dryer. Have fun Oprah every day. That'll be a good test of your new pump actuator. heh heh heh...
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    Question for Beekeeper

    Interesting thread. Fun to beat one to death once in a while. After reading all the previous i'd like to offer this side light: Chuck said he had more trouble with his boats collecting dust than some other problems. I can identify with that. My problem is not dust, but empty cardboard...
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    Lifetime Passes for Geezers...and Discounts...

    Thanks Chuck...surprisingly i qualify for a lot of them. Heck, i thought i was just a young guy with thinning hair. turns out I'm old. piper
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    New Air rifle

    Here's where I got mine: ... 812&sr=8-1
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    New Air rifle

    After lots of waiting, thinking, coffee, reading and study i finally let myself buy a new air rifle. Yup, already had "plenty" but this time around I wanted a NITRO RAM version. No main spring, just a nitro-ram kind of like what you see in the rear deck of a hatchback car. They seem to run...
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    I have thought about just taking a Navy Seal along. He could probably swim faster than I paddle, so if he knew where we were going he could have camp all set up when we get there, kill a gator and have the gator steaks cooking. If he wanted to bring a wire saw that would be OK, but I think...
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    Oogruk Flippers

    This forum is like a big stew pot. If we don't stir it up real well some times things get stuck on the bottom. Thus, the recipe for Oogruk. piper
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    Oogruk Flippers

    Ya, Jack, you are right. Sorry, but some fine recipes just should not be changed. Also, i know that Oogruk is out of season right now, but it never hurts to have a favorite recipe handy if family is coming over for the weekend and say, maybe an Ooguk wanders in too close to the dog lines and...
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    Oogruk Flippers

    From an old Eskimo friend: Oogruk Flippers 1 small oogruk fresh blubber Cut the flippers off from the oogruk. Put the flippers in fresh blubber. Let them stay there for about two weeks. Take the loose fur off the flipper. Cut flipper...
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    A 3oz water filter..........

    Well, i got my new miracle filter. I have not tested it yet in and "wild" water, but it does run tap water pretty danged fast. Backflushes easily, should fit just fine in a small space in my boat box. I tried the "blue water" test that my First Needs uses as a safety qualifier. This...
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    A 3oz water filter..........

    Chuckmeister, my point exactly. The Point One will fit into the sleeping bag with my oversized self. The First Needs really would not. No chance of freezing here this month. Later in the year, say if the Packers win the Superbowl again, then anything is possible. (eg: "the Pack won't...
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    A 3oz water filter..........

    I may still end up buying one of these. There is one major advantage to this unit over the First Need. That is, in cold weather, this smaller filter unit will go into the sleeping bag with you. The First Need is not really a good size for that, at least in a down-bag in a hammock. As they...
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    A 3oz water filter..........

    Considering buying the Point One system and a big jug of rum to mix with the water. That should just about make it safe. And the coffee would be good too. piper
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    I need to cut a branch off my pecan tree, about 25 feet in the air. Being a tight-wad i'm having trouble making myself call the tree guy. piper
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    I have been looking at the coiled up wire saws in the camping depts of some stores and bought one today. Not too expensive really, just a spring steel wire with a spiral groove cut into it. So, at home i thought I'd try it on a downed branch in the yard. Slung it under and off to the...
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    A 3oz water filter..........

    Jack, i think that swimming in single malt might prove to be a struggle, as the molecular weight of Glen Fiddich is lighter than most pond water. Helluva place to drown though. piper
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    A 3oz water filter..........

    OK, how about if you OOOOOLLLLDDDD GUYS wise me up a little. I have a FIRST NEEDS PURIFIER. As i understand it, this unit you are talking about is a FILTER, not a PURIFIER. I think there is a difference there. Maybe a real purifier is overkill. Maybe not really needed, and a good...