Backpacking Pizza..... |

Backpacking Pizza.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I had this or I should say Have this in the Camping section. To make it simpler for a simple mind like mine to locate it I copied and moved it over here.
************************************************************************************************************************** My weapons for this experiment.
1. A 7 1/4 inch outside measurement , 6 inches inside , Evernew titanium , non stick frying pan.
2. A Evernew Appalachian Titanium set.
3. Bridgford Pepperoni already sliced.
4. Sargento Mozzarella Cheese slices. ( 3 slices )
5. California Sun Dried Tomatoes , Julienne cut. ( amount determined by the cook ) I had about 1 1/2 tablespoons.
6. La Banderita soft taco , flour tortillas , large. ( I had to trim it to 6 inches to fit in the pan.)

Prepare everything before starting.
I put everything on a large paper plate.

I lined the pan with the Pepperoni slices overlapping each other.
When placed over the heat it was really quick when the Pepperoni started cooking. (It's surprising the amount of grease in them )
The Pepperoni stared to curl and , for better words , get translucent . I removed the pan from the heat and put the cheese over the Pepperoni covering all of it. ( I had divided the cheese in half )

The pan was placed back over the fire and I sprinkled the Sun Dried Tomatoes over the cheese. Immediately placed the Tortilla over everything and after about 15 seconds removed the pan from the fire.
I placed a small paper plate over the tortilla and pressed down on it to force everything together. Then I placed a larger paper plate over the pan and inverted it.
Removing the pan from the paper plate the pizza was on the plate. Nothing stuck to the pan , all that was in there was some pepperoni grease.
I took a paper towel and blotted up any extra grease on the pizza from the pepperoni , sliced the pizza into quarters and tasted it.

It has or I should say HAD a good flavor since there was nothing left after the tasting. :) It was pleasantly spicy , I think it was from the Sun Dried Tomatoes.

In Summery.......
Easy to make , cooks in a hurry ( Getting everything together/ready takes longer then cooking it ) has a great flavor with a spicy bite to it.
Would I make any more ... YES. Would I use some tomato powder and make a tomato sauce for it , very possible. This would be really good on a camping trip and don't forget to retrieve that Beer from the steam before sitting down to enjoy this.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'd never heard lf tomato powder. I've used one of those small cans of tomato paste for spaghetti sauce.
I like adding ingredients to the pan in reverse sequence; makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I'd never heard lf tomato powder. I've used one of those small cans of tomato paste for spaghetti sauce.
I like adding ingredients to the pan in reverse sequence; makes sense.

Check out Harmony House for dried and dehydrated vegetables , beans , fruits and berries. They have a wide selection from small sample zip locks to large containers of them.
They have the Tomato Powder and even diced Tomato pieces that are dehydrated for long term storage of light weight backpacking food.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Years ago, we gardened. We would slice some of our fresh tomatoes like you would to put on a hamburger. Then we dehydrated them. (I have several dehydrators, and use them.) The slices store for a few weeks in a plastic bag, in a cool place. In the freezer for lomg germ. They were handy to use as "thickeners' in spaghetti sauce abd chili.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
The fellow in the second video asks, "Have any of you found any farm fresh eggs that don't need refrigeration to take to camp?" My answer js simple. Yes, every fresh egg I've ever seen does not need refrigeration to take to camp. Kept in a cool place, they have no trouble lasting 5-8 days. I never ever saw a hen with a refrigerator attached.

In the first video the guy had Chinese viennies. All he lacked was to add okra and gree-itz!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The fellow in the second video asks, "Have any of you found any farm fresh eggs that don't need refrigeration to take to camp?" My answer js simple. Yes, every fresh egg I've ever seen does not need refrigeration to take to camp. Kept in a cool place, they have no trouble lasting 5-8 days. I never ever saw a hen with a refrigerator attached.

In the first video the guy had Chinese viennies. All he lacked was to add okra and gree-itz!

The guy in the 1st video is Bear. He's in Carolina so I guess he has never seen a northern chicken where it's cold all the time and refrigeration is not necessary.

The 2nd video , Jack you know that Viennes are appreciated world wide in Gourmet cooking recipes. As far as the Okra and Grits we like to keep them a southern secret.
The Cajun ( Southern ) holey trinity of cooking , Bell Pepper , Celery & Onion has a close cousin only a few know about , Okra. The red headed step child is Grits.( Sometimes affectionately known to as ..Georgia Ice Cream ) The last two are what keeps Yankees up north.