With all that is happening with this pandemic, we need a little humor: | SouthernPaddler.com

With all that is happening with this pandemic, we need a little humor:

grandpa paddler

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
WNY-land of exhorbitant taxes
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Spam is really good especially if you like Bacon. It's a great substitute for bacon on the trail when you want everything tasty and easy to pack. Cut it about 1/4 inch thick ( Better yet use one of the single serve packages ). Then fry it till both sides of the chunk's are crispy , sort of like over cooked Bacon. The center will be a littler softer then the outside and is darn good that way.
Next mix up a batch of OvaEasy Egg Crystals and scramble them in some of the drippings/flavor essence from the Spam. No need to have cooking carry oil with you , use the Spam you have on hand. ( Ha Ha I'm a poet and don't know it ) :cool:
Next mix up a batch of some Quick Grits and you'll have a good trial side breakfast.
It's a easy to pack and easy to make trail breakfast. Single serve packs come sealed , OvaEasy Egg Crystals in a snack bag , Quick Grits in a Snack Bag and everything in a small Zip Lock bag with the H2o measurements for the egg crystals and Quick Grits written on the Zip Lock Bag.

Just for the record book I normally start ever morning with some Spam but not the type you can eat.... Rejecting spammers who want to get on here.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Sounds tasty. A satisfying meal for two can be a can of corned beef or spam, crumblrd into a couple of packs of ramen noodles and flavor packs. Boils up nicely..

I’ve carried packets of prefried bacon along camping. Tastes great, but the smell can be a powerful attraction to furry critters. Some of those furry critters weigh 15-30 pounds and are ringtailed. Others weigh in the hundreds, and have long claws. Not very good camp mates.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I’ve carried packets of prefried bacon along camping. Tastes great, but the smell can be a powerful attraction to furry critters. Some of those furry critters weigh 15-30 pounds and are ringtailed. Others weigh in the hundreds, and have long claws. Not very good camp mates.

Nothing ever got the guys up and out of the bags faster then some Bacon cooking and Coffee perking over the fire early in the morning. Best dam alarm clock ever invented and better yet the recipients of that alarm don't want to strangle you when they get up. Cuss and fuss , yep but no physical damage to ones body. :rolleyes:

We have those ring tailed night robbers round here and it seams like every camp we ever set up , even in the middle of the Everglades. The big black ones in the hairy overcoats with the Very long claws are not a problem and normally head for high timber when they know you are around. I said normally , not referring to the tourist and car camper ( established camp spots ) trained ones that know a cooler full of food is tasty. The Yogi and Bo Bo park trained types.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
One nice thing about where we go in Canada is - NO RACCOONS!!! But, there are a couple of pesky red squirrels in every campsite. Those little squirts can smell peanuts through vacuum sealed bags!

The caribou in that area are reindeer. Every once in a while, sitting around an evening's campfire, we can hear an old fellow’s joyous laughter . . . . . and. . . . . . sleighbells.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
No Ring tail camp robbers , that must be close to heavenly camping. I have found them in all of the camps or close to the camp , even in the wild and woolly back country away from civilization.
My food is either in a coon proof tube , Hard side and top food container , a Bear Barrel , or Hung up , up and away from those critters.
Hell on one trip in the Okefenokee at each landing area for the canoes there are outhouses and docks. At Cravens Hammock ( 7 miles back in the swamp ) there was Coonzilla.
He was famous in the log book and everyone was warning the next group of campers about him. That night to keep our food safe we locked it in the outhouse. The outhouse was a self contained unit at the far end of the dock and only one way in or out of it.
Anything resembling food or drink that was left out was bitten , torn , destroyed or eaten even the empty coke cans in the canoes.
The morning was frosty and we started a fire from the last nights ashes. Before we knew it a little female coon was curled up at the far side of the fire warming her self. Laying there cat like with her feet tucked under her and pretending like we were not there.
The only logical reason for her actions was because the swamp water was really high. There had been lot of rain and the island had lost a lot of dry ground to the rising water. The critters had no where to go unless they wanted to be Gator bait.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
China Virus Reflections...
Can we uninstall 2020 and reinstall it again?... I think it has a virus ...

Just asked a 6 year old if he understands why there is no school. He said yes, because they are out of toilet paper!

After years of wanting to thoroughly clean my house but lacking the time, this week I discovered that wasn’t the reason.

You’re not stuck at home, you’re safe at home. One word can change your attitude and one cough can change your life.

2020 is a unique Leap Year. It has 29 days in February, 300 days in March and 5 years in April.

Wearing a mask inside your home is now highly recommended. Not so much to prevent COVID-19 but to stop you eating.

If you keep a glass of wine in each hand, you can’t accidentally touch your face.

This cleaning with alcohol is total b.s. NOTHING gets done after that first bottle.

Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands???

You think it’s bad now? In 20 years our country will be run by people who were home schooled by daytime

My Mum always told me I wouldn’t accomplish anything by laying in the bed all day, but look at me now! I’m saving the world.

Whoever owes you money, go to their house now. They should be home.
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