Varnish? |



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
Central Kansas and Central Texas
Some questions about Varnish
Think I already know the answer, so maybe this post is just varnish.I knew varnish would deteriorate. But wasn’t quite ready for this.The Crawdad prototype isⁿ 4 years old Lots of use, and two summers lived in the back of my pick up. Then stored outside upside down mostly in shade, so I guess I can’t complain.I think my main lesson is cover to store.


Here is how she looked 4 years ago

Paint would be easier and was my plan when this eventually happened. But I think I will give toon brite a try, it is supposed to be a marine clear coat.Any one ever try it?
I’d rather fish than sand, but I guess I’m a victim of social distancing, But I only saw one person on the creek yesterday.
Stay safe,


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Over the years varnish will deteriorate if left out in the sunlight. Except MinWax Varnish , it falls apart a week after it is applied. At lease that has been my experience with it.
I used the Captains Z Spar varnish and it's held up really good but the canoe is stored in the carport out of direct sunlight when not in use.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Captain’s Z Spar is what I used. It was recommended by Pygmy Kayaks. Your cloudy varnish there looks like water had gotten in underneath it?

Are we looking at two, different boats? Or, one boat that has been well rehabbed? Either way, the shiny boat looks nice


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
This is the dirty secret about varnish.......even the $100 a gallon stuff. Ever swooned over teak and mahogany decks on a yacht? 6 to 8 coats of varnish....minimum. Recoated sometimes TWICE a year. Basically you put on several coats and the weather strips off 2-3 coats worth every year. You scuff everything down and apply 2-3 more coats. Miss a couple years? Then you have to sand everything off down to bare wood and start over! Paint may not look as good, but it lasts LOTS longer.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
Central Kansas and Central Texas
This is the dirty secret about varnish.......even the $100 a gallon stuff. Ever swooned over teak and mahogany decks on a yacht? 6 to 8 coats of varnish....minimum. Recoated sometimes TWICE a year. Basically you put on several coats and the weather strips off 2-3 coats worth every year. You scuff everything down and apply 2-3 more coats. Miss a couple years? Then you have to sand everything off down to bare wood and start over! Paint may not look as good, but it lasts LOTS longer.
I know you are right, paint is much easier and catches just as many fish, and kills way more ducks.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Ahh yes. More fish, ducks, geese, etc. But, isn’t it a federal crime to cover beautifully grained wood with paint? Kinda like putting paint on a beautiful, old, brick home.

Didja ever see a picture of Raquel Welch in a house dress? That would be a crime too.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We’re both driving down the same road, Andy. Yes, Ann Margaret. One time she had paint poured on her, and then she rolled - nude - on a canvas. The picture wasn’t much to look at, but the paint brush was great!

And now, back to fishing boats. sigh


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
I like epifanes

last I bought was running close to $50/quart

joey is right...…..4 or 5 coats of gloss, then 2 coats of matte

scuff it and revarnish when it first appears to faill

topcoats are easy, starting from ground zero is a lot of work


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
G'day to you Jack

I use rust oleum for models and furniture that are not out in the sun, or will see very little sun, so I don't know how it holds up as an outdoor varnish


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
Central Kansas and Central Texas
I like epifanes

last I bought was running close to $50/quart

joey is right...…..4 or 5 coats of gloss, then 2 coats of matte

scuff it and revarnish when it first appears to faill

topcoats are easy, starting from ground zero is a lot of work
Thanks to all of you who replied. I had started thinking that I should be donethat with varnish but seed tick finally got it through my thick head! you've got to take care of varnish Trouble is I knew that, Iwas all set to put spud holes in the Craw dad and camo it, but I've already got a good Duck boat. So todayit's check on the two varnished boats and see what their finish is like.
I have already put a coat of "marine clear coat " on the new boat, we'll see what that does.

Stay safe


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
Central Kansas and Central Texas
Don’t know what happened to the pictures of the failed (?) varnish, but disappearing pics are for another thread. So a year later the peeling varnish was sanded off, down to the epoxy. I used 80 grit and a random orbital for most of it. It took a lot of care to not go through the epoxy, and there were one or two very small places I sanded through the epoxy to bare cedar. After sanding I rolled and tipped a new coat of epoxy resin Inside and out, no new cloth. After the resin cured, I clear coated inside and out.A few years ago I used a clear coat called toon brite and it held up well, so I used it on this boat. I am about to be sold on a clear coat for bright finished boats. Here are a few pictures.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
The boat looks good. Yeah, varnish is definitely a double-edged sword. It takes a commitment to keep it looking good. If you store it out of the sun and rain, several coats should last a long while.