UFO Landing area~!! | SouthernPaddler.com

UFO Landing area~!!


Well-Known Member
Well, we were just sleeping and we heard the strangest noise, like one of those old time cement mixers but with overtones like compressed air getting away out of a rubber hose. This morning when I got up this spot was "burned" into the grass in the back yard. Strangest thing. I don't know whether to call Homeland Security or the National Weather Service.


Funny how it is pointed right at the back door , like they were lined up, ready to haul me off to some other planet. ( About now, that option doesn't sound bad)

I always figured those UFO's were a lot bigger than this.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Look at it this way, Keith. One end is pointed at the door but the other end is pointed at Lake Verret. The aliens are trying to tell you something. 8)


Well-Known Member
That UFO is only pointed at Lake Verret if the lake has moved into SW Missississippi.

I'm gonna put out some bait tonight and see if they come back. I'm thinking a couple sheets of aluminum foil, maybe formed into shapes like they left on the yard. Either that or an open can of vieenies and some shoe string potatoes.

I'll keep you posted if anything happens.

Standing by, Piper


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Ya might want to call Uncle John and see if he has any ideas. In case he don't ya might keep that tin foil real handy.

P.S. I couldn't see the outline there until I put the tinfoil hat on. Then it was plain as day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend piper,

I aint never judged at a Vidalia festival, but it dont seem ta me that a Vidalia oughta be cooked much. Mebbe if ya jest slice some real thin 'n serve it with the sausage? That way it will taste better 'n the God of Vidalias wont hit ya with a bolt of lightning? [grin]


ps We like ta bring a big bag back frum Carolina in May. I dont recall much Vidalia eatin' in March....least not til way after the Ides? Jest wait....Jimmy W lives close ta Clayton 'n likely knows when the real ones iz ready.

To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukaemia with leeches. Margaret Thatcher


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
Hmmm... assymetrical shape. They probably designed it that way so it would track well when entering the atmosphere.



Well-Known Member
I set the deer stand camera out there last night and only got pictures of one possum and two short fellas in sort of gray jump suits. No UFOs.

I almost sure that the pointed football shape is significant. It may relate to time travel or magnetism , who knows.

I'll show the remains of the burned spot to the guys at the Rendezvous, maybe they'll have more to say after they see it in person.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
MK - it isn't the possible landing site that we're unsure about - it's Piper San himself. At his very best, he's off in the head. Sometimes, he runs around town with his .... well, I'd best not tell on him. He may REALLY be from another planet - what powers would he have over me then??!!