Trail Markers |

Trail Markers


  • Probably

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Probably not

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
A few years ago, a friend I was hunting with showed me some trail markers. Then, he was using a reflective gel that he oozed out of a small plastic bottle onto trees. Not obvious in the daytime, and rain would later wash it all off. That night, when we came out of the woods we had flashlights strapped on our heads. As we wagged our heads from side to side, the beam would wipe across the reflective spots. BLINK BLINK You cold see the spots just like someone blinking a flashlight. WOW.

Now, the liquid gel is no longer made. The best thing I can find now is called Firetacks. I'm checking source. < > 866-245-8518 Reason is, they can be handy for paddling and camping too. Sometimes, we take evening paddles and then - as the sun sets the appearance of the terrain changes - where's camp? A few of these reflective tacks (like a thumb tack with a large head, either 3 or 4 sided) in trees near camp, and it's easy to find. May have helped John Depa last year when he had difficulty returning to camp one night.

These are meant to be retrieved as you move along, or left in place only for temporary use. These might be useful to us in various ways.

You can also get day-glo tape for daytime use. This is sold as markers for use by surveyors, and at party stores. Handy to find your way back out of a swamp. I afix it in a slanting direction, with the lower side pointing "into" the swamp. Coming back out, I'm looking for blaze and follow the "up" slope as I go along home.


Well-Known Member
Although I voted yes, speaking for myself I am too stubborn, proud, dumb, bull headed, and any other adjective used to describe an idiot to use a marker.

I would rather walk for hours in a cypress swamp carrying a rifle, side arm, and back pack while constantly crossing my own boot tracks.

Not that that has ever happened to me. Nope, not me, no sir. :oops:

oh and Jack, we are not lucky enough to have up slopes for our swamps. Well we do, kinda. About 1 inch in 100 foot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I have been like you on an occasion or two...... I knew were I was it was just the rest of the world that was turned around and had no idea where they were.

Trouble of it is that all that happen when I was patrolling in the squad car in those new subdivisions and not in the woods. :lol: