Back in October, Joy and I decided to downsize due to her macular degeneration. We were 10 mi from town and her license did not permit her to drive after dark. Didn't take long to find the right house but because we are in Erie County, NY, it took 4 months to close (lawyers
). End of Feb we took possession and began the process of remodeling, redecorating and general upgrades. Meanwhile, my annual visit to the cardiologist revealed some sort of problem. After several weeks of various tests, it was determined that I needed 3-5 bypasses and an aortic valve replacement. Finished most of the work on the new house 3/20, movers showed up 3/23, and @ 5am 3/26 I was being prepped for open heart surgery. I can proudly say I am an official member of the 'zipper club'. Been home a week today and recovery has been uneventful. Very little pain just soreness and tightness along my sternum. Biggest problem is boredom and insomnia. Tried reading a new book but have difficulty seeing the words on the page. Surgeon says I'll be able paddle by August. I don't think he realizes what that entails.
Anyway I'm back

Anyway I'm back