Tough winter and worse spring |

Tough winter and worse spring

grandpa paddler

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
WNY-land of exhorbitant taxes
Back in October, Joy and I decided to downsize due to her macular degeneration. We were 10 mi from town and her license did not permit her to drive after dark. Didn't take long to find the right house but because we are in Erie County, NY, it took 4 months to close (lawyers:mad:). End of Feb we took possession and began the process of remodeling, redecorating and general upgrades. Meanwhile, my annual visit to the cardiologist revealed some sort of problem. After several weeks of various tests, it was determined that I needed 3-5 bypasses and an aortic valve replacement. Finished most of the work on the new house 3/20, movers showed up 3/23, and @ 5am 3/26 I was being prepped for open heart surgery. I can proudly say I am an official member of the 'zipper club'. Been home a week today and recovery has been uneventful. Very little pain just soreness and tightness along my sternum. Biggest problem is boredom and insomnia. Tried reading a new book but have difficulty seeing the words on the page. Surgeon says I'll be able paddle by August. I don't think he realizes what that entails.

Anyway I'm back:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Nice to hear some good news and congratulations on everything going right.
I knew in the hospital I was in for some problems ( down the road ) when everyone was going home. Even the folks that came in after me. I was starting to think they were going to keep me as a mascot or door stop , not sure which one.
It's been 6 years and my sternum has not healed , probably never will. It still will move a little back and forth with a deep breath. Like you it has to be healed and solid before paddling or fishing so guess which two items I have not done since 2016 ? Yep , both of them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
Nice to hear some good news and congratulations on everything going right.
I knew in the hospital I was in for some problems ( down the road ) when everyone was going home. Even the folks that came in after me. I was starting to think they were going to keep me as a mascot or door stop , not sure which one.
It's been 6 years and my sternum has not healed , probably never will. It still will move a little back and forth with a deep breath. Like you it has to be healed and solid before paddling or fishing so guess which two items I have not done since 2016 ? Yep , both of them.

After about three years of my sternum not healing the Dr finally had to go in and wire it back together. Mine was because of a car accident. Now if you look at my x-rays it looks like I was put together with bailing wire. Which works for an old farm boy like me. Lets me fish and paddle. You might want to look into that.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Lets me fish and paddle. You might want to look into that.


Kevin...I appreciate that information.
Yep . They wanted to go back in and redo everything and they even mentioned the possibility of getting a plastic surgeon. You might or could say I was not very receptive to that idea. I'm so sick and tired of doctors that I have settled with the idea of letting things follow the natural choice. As long as I can go camping everything else can sit on the back burner. Might even use a cracker pole ( Bamboo ) with a line the length of it some time if I'm camping on a river bank. Could call it soaking a line in place of actual fishing.
I know what you are saying about the wires , The wires from the by pass. Then the wires from the defibrillators. I joke about having I-95 on the right side , I-75 on the left side and I-10 crossing between the two in the upper chest. Pretty good , internal , Florida road map. Every time I get a chest X-Ray it seams like most of not all of the technicians have to look at them.
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Bones are supposed to reknit. (Sez so right here in the parts book - exploded illustration section.).

Did the docs say anything about what you eat, or don't eat? Have they tested for calcium level and/or bone density?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Bones are supposed to reknit. (Sez so right here in the parts book - exploded illustration section.).

Did the docs say anything about what you eat, or don't eat? Have they tested for calcium level and/or bone density?

Yes , tested and everything was OK or so they told me back then.
It's rumored that it's suppose to mend by itself but you know how rumors go. They either wire it back together or like a buddy of mine , they super glued his back together. The idea is that it holds things together so it can mend. I have not heard of anyone having the super glue treatment with any problems , only the stitched ones.
In my case I believe the top part mended and the bottom part is still trying to.

I was thinking about this and the thought hit me that we might be able to help the surgeons do a better job , All we need to do is to get then to make a stitch and glue canoe like we have done. The practice of doing all those wire stitches on the panels sure would make them better at it. At lease they could reline all the parts so they fit together correctly and stay together.

But what the heck , what really counts is that the plumbing job was well done , they only goofed up when closing the barn doors.