One Hell of a Portable Blender. |

One Hell of a Portable Blender.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I've been wanting a blender that is USB rechargeable , small ( 16 oz capacity ) , waterproof and can do most of the things a king sized blend does but in smaller amounts. This will let me have smoothies without using the oversized blender and the messy cleanup afterwards. Or in plain language , a lazy persons blender.

Well ... I Found one.

Put it to the test this morning with Cold Soaked Oatmeal ( 1/2 cup old fashion oatmeal ) , Maple Syrup , Milk ( 1 cup ) and 5 Frozen Strawberries. I put everything in my cold soak jar ( A Talenti Gelato pint Ice Cream jar ) in the frig last night.

Took it out this morning and put everything in the blender. On with the top , hit the button and It made the perfect Oatmeal , Strawberry smoothie as a breakfast drink. It has a 20 sec running time on the standard blend or will do pulses if you prefer.

Cleaning it was a breeze , one drop of dish washing soap , about 14 oz of water and hit the pause button for a few seconds. Took the top off rinsed it out and my dish washing was done. They recommend cleaning it this way after each use.

They say one charge is good for about 20 uses ( full 20 sec blends ) which makes it extremely portable.
One thing that makes this blender different , the blades are slightly off set in the bottom. This causes the liquid to be in a whirlpool which mixes everything very efficiently.

It's the BLENDJET-2 .

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Hey Chuck, looks good.

Works even better. Same as yesterdays cold soak mix but with a additional 1/2 amount of Oatmeal to see if it would take it. Used the pulse button for 4 short pulses , blended everything like nothing. It increased the amount by about a 5th with the air being mixed in. Before blending it was at arround the 12 oz line. After blending it appear to be near the 15 oz line. Hard to tell since it was all the way to the top on the sides. It does get rather violent when it is in that whirlpool effect, which takes everything to the top ( 16 oz ) and back down. Before blending I added some chocolate protein powder to it , Chocolate Oatmeal Strawberry Smoothie for breakfast.
Thinking about some Peach or maybe Apple for tomorrow.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Well. I like the Strawberries with Pineapple chunks as a snack , the combination is tasty. So I tried a Strawberry and Pineapple chunk cold soak oatmeal smoothie , Not that great in fact it was nasty. I did manage to drink 50% of it before throwing it out.:p

Next day was a normal cold soak mix and with Peaches. I use the little individual ( Del Monte ) diced peach cups from the grocery store. Tasty but needed something.;)

Today... Again with the normal cold soak mix with the diced peaches but I added a small measuring cup of ( Biochem 100% Whey Isolate ) Vanilla Protein mix. Darn right down tasty.:D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Reminds me of Lucy’s Vita-meata-vegamin stuff. She was doing the ad testimonial for the product. The product had alcohol in it. They director kept ordering retakes. Lucy kept sipping the product for each retake. You can imagine the zany Lucy and alcohol combination!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Reminds me of Lucy’s Vita-meata-vegamin stuff. She was doing the ad testimonial for the product. The product had alcohol in it. They director kept ordering retakes. Lucy kept sipping the product for each retake. You can imagine the zany Lucy and alcohol combination!

Yep , I remember that show and only Lucy could pull off an act like that. It's still funny when ever I see it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Well dried cherries work pretty good but you need to cut them into pieces. If you don't I had one piece stick to one of the blades. It still mixed everything and I got it unstuck. It's easy to do , the upright container section unscrews. Just make sure you line up the two arrows when putting it back together or it will not work.

Half of a normal sized Banana works really good , makes a tasty Banana , Oatmeal , smoothie with the ( Biochem 100% Whey Isolate ) vanilla or the chocolate powder.
Thinking of trying some of the Nestle Chocolate powder or syrup used to make a chocolate milk , Oatmeal , smoothie.

In the evening.......... Something different.
It's suppose to make a good adult mixed drink , Not for breakfast. :rolleyes:o_O:eek: