Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Some, who hope to have you change at their suggestion, tell you that “there’s now o new normal.” NO THERE ISN’T! Normal - averages - are made up of a very few extremes, plus thousands of examples that aren’t extreme. What was normal last year, is still normal.
All through 2020, I got my hair cut on exactly the same schedule as I have for years. A few of us gathered for coffee, just not as usual. Now, we gather for breakfast every week, and the stories are still the same. So are the breakfasts. My Son lives 3 2/2 hours away. We visit back and forth just like usual.

The normal that I live today is the same normal I’ve been living. Maybe others have adapted some, and I’m behind the power curve? Maybe My path of normal is leading me astray? It feels right. Maybe others could offer advice?

Thoughts? Ideas? Discussion?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
Central Kansas and Central Texas
We are creatures of habit. During his retirement years My Dad went to town every morning and met with friends over coffee. I now do the same thing, same general conversations and rules of engagement (respect). We value dignity and freedom, it's just in our
DNA. Been that way for all of recorded history, in spite of some individuals wanting to control the world.
Change? Not me!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have been told by others ( Lots of them ) there is no way I'm Normal. All I can say is ..."What do they know ? " As far as normal I wounder do they count , Quiet walks in the mornings ? Wishing people a Happy Morning and offering a friendly smile . Bike rides when the weather is beautiful ?, The enjoyment of a nice Summer rain on the hammocks rain fly or the tents rain fly. How about an Owl sounding off on a quiet moonlight night ?
Or do they consider normal as a Hard Rock Band blasting your ear drums ? How about an extra loud exhaust system on a vehicle , any vehicle? A Sunday morning evangelist with the microphone turned up so loud it sequels ?
My Question...To para phrase President Clinton and his " What do you mean by if ? " What do you mean by Normal ?
My Answer...The way I see it , a normal for me is not necessarily a normal for you and vise a versa. Backpackers have a saying and I believe it applies to matters in life. " Hike your own Hike. " Or in plain words , Do it your way.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We each define “normal” in terms of ourselves. For nearly all of us, that’s an OK thing. When people out on the ends of the bell curve do that, the definition of the word is skewed. Say, if both Trump’s normal and Biden’s normal were to be compared?