Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, next year is almosr here. Lots of opportunities to try new foods, new activities, new friends, in new places. Also lots of opportunities to enjoy familiar activities and foods with old friends in familiar locations. Probably, a good mix of new plus familiar is a best bet.

Familiar can be comfortable. New can be growth. There are two, sure signs of Life - growth and death


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
2019 ????
What a new start. 83 degrees with 60% humidity , lots of sunshine and a wind blowing. The grass needed to be cut since all the Christmas decorations are down and put away for another year.

Just for the fun of it :rolleyes: I re-potted two new Rosemary bushes into larger pots.. Then started a new pot of Mint and re-potted the original Mint into a larger pot. Next up was mowing the yard.

After mowing the front and back yard i pulled the recumbent bikes out of the back of the shop. Switching places with the bikes , now the mower in the back of the shop. This way the bikes are right by the garage door and easy to get out for a ride.

Checked the tires on each recumbent bike and topped off the air in each or the 6 tire's , 3 per bike. They say that a cold front will move threw Friday with a good shot at rain ( 80 % ) Then the weekend ( Sat & Sun ) is suppose to cool down a little and we are looking forward to a nice ride then. To top it all off this 1st day of the New Year , as I was putting the bikes back in the shop a dam wasp managed to sting my finger.
Only 364 more days to see what a another new year will start out with. Just for kicks in the head , tomorrow ( 1st thing in the morning ) I have a dental appointment. :eek:. Then a few days later a fasting blood work. So far 2019 is not starting out as my favorite year.

As far as the weather it sure does not feel look or act like January , more like June or July.
No question about it .....July because of all the fireworks last night , we must of been the fireworks center for central Florida.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
My dental appointment is Wed. the 9th and not looking forward to it either. But Happy New Year anyway guys. If things get too bad you can head for the roundhouse. They can't corner you there. Dave.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Fireworks! I didn't see or hear any here. But then, I never have. Now, on new hears in China ................

What a boring place you must live in , no celebrations or fireworks ?
We have fireworks for all the major holidays and even some minor ones. Even other occasions we don't think of but just do spontaneously for the fun of it. You know ( forget that you don't know ) like when Bubba won the air boat race and did not spill a drop of his beer or wreck his boat.

No roundhouses here but we do have some folks that like to go in circles. I believe the idea is so they don't know if they are coming or going.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Fireworks is only one way of celebrating. For me - I like chicolate ice cream. Or some other treat, like say, a new knife for me. A fella always can use another knife.
Did I ever tell ya about the time that I .. .. ... ... .... ....


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Fireworks is only one way of celebrating. For me - I like chicolate ice cream. Or some other treat, like say, a new knife for me. A fella always can use another knife.
Did I ever tell ya about the time that I .. .. ... ... .... ....

Yep , I like chocolate ice cream and just got two new knives to use. Those are personal celebrations which I really enjoy. One was a Swiss Army Ranger Grip 79 ( Has a saw blade in it ) and the other a Opinel # 10 fillet knife.
The fireworks show are usually during the national holidays. Veterans day it really gets crazy around here. The VFW throws a fireworks show that is top notch , no holds bared type. That and all the private ones going on makes veterans day really spectacular..

Then there is the greatest ( personal ) celebration , When I wake up each morning , roll out of bed and start a new day. I made it to one more day ...YEA
Any aches or pains lets me know it's for real and not a dream.