2019 ????
What a new start. 83 degrees with 60% humidity , lots of sunshine and a wind blowing. The grass needed to be cut since all the Christmas decorations are down and put away for another year.
Just for the fun of it

I re-potted two new Rosemary bushes into larger pots.. Then started a new pot of Mint and re-potted the original Mint into a larger pot. Next up was mowing the yard.
After mowing the front and back yard i pulled the recumbent bikes out of the back of the shop. Switching places with the bikes , now the mower in the back of the shop. This way the bikes are right by the garage door and easy to get out for a ride.
Checked the tires on each recumbent bike and topped off the air in each or the 6 tire's , 3 per bike. They say that a cold front will move threw Friday with a good shot at rain ( 80 % ) Then the weekend ( Sat & Sun ) is suppose to cool down a little and we are looking forward to a nice ride then. To top it all off this 1st day of the New Year , as I was putting the bikes back in the shop a dam wasp managed to sting my finger.
Only 364 more days to see what a another new year will start out with. Just for kicks in the head , tomorrow ( 1st thing in the morning ) I have a dental appointment.

. Then a few days later a fasting blood work. So far 2019 is not starting out as my favorite year.
As far as the weather it sure does not feel look or act like January , more like June or July.
No question about it .....July because of all the fireworks last night , we must of been the fireworks center for central Florida.