New Camera , that is smarter then me. |

New Camera , that is smarter then me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I had a Geezer moment today when I smelled sweet success on a search I have been at for quite a while. :roll:

I remembered from a trip a while back ( Ebenezer Creek in Georgia , Oct 07 ,08 ) that Oldyaker had a nice little pocket camera he took some really good shots with. Soooo I have been looking for a small (pocket camera ) that is waterproof since it does rain on me now and then. Plus it had to be waterproof in case I go swimming again if the canoe decides I need a bath or I paddle the Brazos with Ron and that Texas weather.
We only have sunshine here in Florida , some of it comes down in the liquid form which we call liquid sunshine. :lol:

That one trip when Bill ran us up on that Gator in the Okefenokee and the Gator flipped the canoe 180 degrees , I lost my good Nikon and all the lenses , the only thing that survived was a little Cannon I have that is waterproof but takes film and has no telephoto capabilities. This time I wanted to switch to an Digital , waterproof , telephoto , panoramic one for paddling. Something that lets a person get more paddling pictures then having a normal camera locked in a waterproof container when paddling and you think it might get wet , a grasp and shoot camera and nut's about the weather and water , they will not hurt it. :D

I lucked out and found one that has all of those features plus it will even take movies , record the sound , and is waterproof. The best thing is that it is smaller then a pack of smokes so it will fit in a shirt pocket really nice. Actually it is smaller then the size of a pack of Lucky Strikes , Pickeyunes ( if you remember them , not sure about that spelling ) or Camels without the filters. :lol:

The Olympus Stylus Tough - 6000. It is shock proof if dropped from 5 feet and waterproof to 10 feet. Not there top of the line model which is waterproof to one atmosphere ( 33 feet) that one costs a lot more. This little 6000 will do more then I want from a camera. It is going to take a lot of studying to get past the basics of operating this one , I can take a picture with it at this time. Have to learn how to do the fancy stuff.

On my monitor ( 22 inch) screen the cameras picture is about a third larger then the actual , real , hold in your hand camera. ... =1446&fl=4

No paddling or camping pictures to down load since I just got it but as everyone on here tells us , post the pictures so this will let all of you see more pictures and less chatter on a trip report , even if it is raining. OK.. Bear. :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
A fellow I paddled with carried an Olympus, older version of yours. He added a memory stick and could shoot pictures for a month. They seem to be a very good camera for geezer paddlers.

PLEASE don't post any self photos! Or,ones of you taken by others you may have duped. sigh


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
A fellow I paddled with carried an Olympus, older version of yours. He added a memory stick and could shoot pictures for a month. They seem to be a very good camera for geezer paddlers.

PLEASE don't post any self photos! Or,ones of you taken by others you may have duped. sigh

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I increased the memory card from what they suggested ( since it was extra) to lot's and lot's and lot's and lot's and even more to record the pictures. "O" Did I say I even have a spare battery and naturally the charger for them when they run down. :p

Jack , I have to agree with you they are a Geezer Camera , especially after the Geezer learns how to operate them. Still have serious worries about that on this end but I have mastered the basics, I think. :wink:

As you know .... I think you do .... Us almost old codgers ( we are not there .... YET ) need to do things to keep our minds active and learn new things or they will turn into sawdust and epoxy for someones boat. 8)
