Messed up day dont always end bad |

Messed up day dont always end bad

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
We had planned to go fishing Sunday morning on the Brazos,Darrel Glen and myself.
It just started off messed up. Darrel had a emergency and couldn't go that morning ,Glenn had
kiddo things that came up,And I was just wore out from finishing a job I was working on.
To make a long story short it was 5 o'clock before we headed for the river,we launched and just took it easy going up stream,casting for bass,no luck and man it was hot,we fished up a couple miles then started setting out our rods for whatever would bite.
Glenn picked up a Gasper,ahhhh gar bait,. Then I had one of those minutes that keep you fishing
I was fishing a shallow swift area and got a hard hit,let it run for a minute and then hit him hard
the fight was on,whatever it was had a mind of its on ,I couldn't turn him,he just went where he wanted to,I had 65 lb braid on ,cranked the drag down ,thought I was going swimming,but he just keep fighting,got in some rocks bam the line was cut.
It wasn't a big gator gar,never rolled or jumped,it moved to fast for a big turtle,my guess was a big blue,and I mean big. Last year I caught a 42 lb yellow on a rod and reel and this fish made that ones fight look like a flyweight .
Maybe next time.
Later as the sun was going down I caught this


nice channel and dang he had some pretty coloration.
Paddled back in loaded up and called it a day .so it ended pretty nice.