As most of you know I am always working to get the weight down in my backpack and to simplify my camping gear. Well I have found something that qualifies in both counts. It is light weigh and really simple to use which more then meets the qualifications for me to use. :lol:
For a drink and go this is great.
It's a water filter called the Life Straw. It is good for 264 Gallons ( 1,000 Liters ) and only weighs 2 oz. To top it off the cost is $20.00.
It is used just like it's name sake , A Straw. You remove the dust cap on the inlet , remove the protective cover on the mouthpiece , place the straw in the water and suck on it to draw the water up threw the straw. This can be done right from the water source or if you want to fill a bottle with water , insert the straw and drink. When you are done , blow into the straw to remove any water left in it , then cap the ends and proceed on either paddling or walking.
My Life Straw arrived from and I sent them this letter when I noticed the retraining ring on the inlet cover was broken.
On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Chuck Littleton <> wrote:
The Lifestraw arrived today and upon checking it I noticed something you folks might want to check on.
On the large end ( water inlet ) the dust cover fits like it should but the smaller piece of plastic meant to keep it attached to the Lifestraw when disconnected for drinking is separated at the seam. It appears that it was never glued together or heat sealed to fit around the life straw to keep the cover from being lost when disconnected .
It's not a failure which would render the Lifestraw in-operable , just an inconvenience where the dust cover would have to be placed in a pocket or held in the hand to keep from losing it.
Everything on the outlet end ( drinking ) is in working order and in good shape.
Have a nice day.
Then I received this letter from Eartheasy and Aran.......It was something I was not expecting since my straw is in working condition and that broken retaining ring did not effect the function of the straw in any way.
Hi Chuck,
Sorry to hear! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have had a few other reports of this, and are working on a solution now.
I've gone ahead and put through an order to have a new LifeStraw sent out to you tomorrow. Please let me know if there are any issues with it.
Sorry for the hassle!
Best regards,
Aran Seaman - "Solutions for Sustainable Living"
I can cover the opening of my water bottle with a bandana to stop any large bugs , and particles from entering it as it is filled. Then drink from the bottle using the Life straw and as far as cooking , just bring the water to a boil to kill any bugs.
The list of what the Lifestraw does is to long to post on here so use this to take a look at it .
In these day and times it is a pleasure to do business with a company that believes in customer satisfaction even when it is not necessary.
For a drink and go this is great.
It's a water filter called the Life Straw. It is good for 264 Gallons ( 1,000 Liters ) and only weighs 2 oz. To top it off the cost is $20.00.
It is used just like it's name sake , A Straw. You remove the dust cap on the inlet , remove the protective cover on the mouthpiece , place the straw in the water and suck on it to draw the water up threw the straw. This can be done right from the water source or if you want to fill a bottle with water , insert the straw and drink. When you are done , blow into the straw to remove any water left in it , then cap the ends and proceed on either paddling or walking.
My Life Straw arrived from and I sent them this letter when I noticed the retraining ring on the inlet cover was broken.
On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Chuck Littleton <> wrote:
The Lifestraw arrived today and upon checking it I noticed something you folks might want to check on.
On the large end ( water inlet ) the dust cover fits like it should but the smaller piece of plastic meant to keep it attached to the Lifestraw when disconnected for drinking is separated at the seam. It appears that it was never glued together or heat sealed to fit around the life straw to keep the cover from being lost when disconnected .
It's not a failure which would render the Lifestraw in-operable , just an inconvenience where the dust cover would have to be placed in a pocket or held in the hand to keep from losing it.
Everything on the outlet end ( drinking ) is in working order and in good shape.
Have a nice day.
Then I received this letter from Eartheasy and Aran.......It was something I was not expecting since my straw is in working condition and that broken retaining ring did not effect the function of the straw in any way.
Hi Chuck,
Sorry to hear! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have had a few other reports of this, and are working on a solution now.
I've gone ahead and put through an order to have a new LifeStraw sent out to you tomorrow. Please let me know if there are any issues with it.
Sorry for the hassle!
Best regards,
Aran Seaman - "Solutions for Sustainable Living"
I can cover the opening of my water bottle with a bandana to stop any large bugs , and particles from entering it as it is filled. Then drink from the bottle using the Life straw and as far as cooking , just bring the water to a boil to kill any bugs.
The list of what the Lifestraw does is to long to post on here so use this to take a look at it .
In these day and times it is a pleasure to do business with a company that believes in customer satisfaction even when it is not necessary.