Lewis and Clark Medicine..... | SouthernPaddler.com

Lewis and Clark Medicine.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Reading up on two hero's of mine....Didn't know if this belonged in paddling medicine or here, but it's interesting. I think paddling medicine has changed quite a bit! I'll pass on Dr. Rush's Thunderbolts. I don't care how sick I am.

From: Traveling the Lewis and Clark Trail

The Lewis and Clark expedition camped near the confluence of the Bitteroot River and Lolo Creek, at what is now the town of Lolo on September 9 and 10 of 1805, and again on June 30th through July 2, 1806. The site they named Travelers' Rest is now a Montana state park located just South of Lolo.

Travelers' Rest tells the stories of Lewis and Clark as well as the Native Americans who camped here for centuries before the Corps of Discovery and the pioneers who followed soon after. Some of the tales are still unfolding; in summer 2002 archaeologist Dan Hall and his team from Missoula found traces of mercury in the soil, helping them pinpoint the location of what was likely the Lewis and Clark campsite latrine. (The mercury would have come from excretion of Dr. Rush's Thunderbolts, a cure-all "medicine" often administered by Lewis.)

Now I figure that 200 years from now, they'll be able to pick out Chuckles and Mac's campsites and latrines since they eat Vienny's and the stuff is like mercury, it never breaks down. :roll:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldyaker said:
... Now I figure that 200 years from now, they'll be able to pick out Chuckles and Mac's campsites and latrines since they eat Vienny's and the stuff is like mercury, it never breaks down. :roll:
You're right, Yakus Medicus, they pass through unaffected by any digestive process, to emerge as they entered. They only appear to be more appetizing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Lee Schneidermann said:
Must be similar to the "Old Crow" I've been takin' for medicinal purposes!

Wow Lee! My Grandad drank Old Crow! Good on you....Grandpa never died of a snake bite! Keep on sipp'n! :wink: