Ice in Remote Camp sites |

Ice in Remote Camp sites


Well-Known Member
I probably shouldn't let this cat out of the bag yet, but I can't help it. sorry Jack. this new product should be on the market in the next couple of months. This is really going to make it nice for us guys down south where ice doesn't grow on trees.

The big mail order places will have it, or you can buy direct from Jack. I'll post his home address if i can find it.

Buy it by the box:


Or in the convenient single serve cans:

piper (artwork courtesy of Dr. Jims Graphic Design Service)

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Piper San has been sucking on that Scottish blow-bag instead of blowing into it. His fertile imagination is (only slightly) damaged by mold, pollen, and dust mites. sigh I like him and learn from him; much like the Miracle Worker learned from Helen Keller. (another sigh)