Highest and Best Use | SouthernPaddler.com

Highest and Best Use

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
What with the mosquito invasion this year, folks are finding new and better uses for the critters. Here is one:

Herb mix (prepare ahead and let sit in refrigerator to marry flavors)
2 Tbsp sage
5 cloves garlic, minced fine
1 pint OFF (Deep Woods)
Mix & refrigerate overnight

Clean and chill fresh mosquito (not frozen). rub inside with herb mix
Prepare grill with 39 brickettes of charcoal, light and burn to grey ash stage
Set wrack for beer can on grill, insert 1/2 can of beer
Carefully set cleaned mosquito over beer can
Insert thermometer into thigh
Cook until internal temp is 160 degrees

Serve over rice pilaf, and with tasty vegetable (canned okra is recommended)