G'day guys,
As some here may have gathered, i have a new partner in crime
, Miss Evie. She is a true country girl and loves all things outdoors and in the bush in general 8) 8) .
To this end, we have decided that we NEED a camper trailer, something small, light and quick to erect but comfortable enough for our needs, in other words, something basic and not too flash.
We found what we think is just what we need the other day. Here are the previous owner and me negotiating a fair price in true Aussie manner.
with a beer in hand. 8)
We quickly towed the thing home and set it up to work out what else we need.
in its simplest form
All it is a 6' X 4' box trailer with a framed, bed base hinged on top and a trailer tent attached to that
As some here may have gathered, i have a new partner in crime
To this end, we have decided that we NEED a camper trailer, something small, light and quick to erect but comfortable enough for our needs, in other words, something basic and not too flash.
We found what we think is just what we need the other day. Here are the previous owner and me negotiating a fair price in true Aussie manner.

with a beer in hand. 8)
We quickly towed the thing home and set it up to work out what else we need.
in its simplest form

All it is a 6' X 4' box trailer with a framed, bed base hinged on top and a trailer tent attached to that