Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
For 12-16 years now, a group of us gather together on the day before Mothers' Day. Because guys are coming in from all over the U.S., (Michigan, New York, Florida, California, Wisconsin) we gather throughout the day, - a Saturday in this case - at a friend's cottage up north. How long we've been doing it is a bit difficult to tell. The trips began over thirty years ago with Boy Scouts. Along the way, somewhere, it was only the guys. As we recognized how critical the makeup of the group was, the character of the trip changed. We have guarded the group carefully.

We put in on Mothers' Day, a Sunday. So, some of us honor the Moms in our lives a week earlier. This date works best from several aspects. Late enough to be no more snow - usually. Early enough that bugs haven't gained a solid foothold. Also, wildlife is abundant. Canadian geese, sandhill cranes, bald eagles, loons, beavers, mink, deer, kingfishers, turkeys, ducks, and all are around. Also, the various ruling entities (counties, state, US Forests, etc.) aren't collecting fees yet for campsites.

Usually, we travel all through the week. This year, we base camped for a week. Advantages and disadvantages. Relaxing is great, but boredom can set in. So naps become useful. All of us - even the young 61 year olds! - partook of naps.

We had beautiful weather through the week. And, sunsets were so awe inspiring that even our goofiness would be paused. However - rain caught up with us on the last day. We packed and paddled out in the rain. Even my Goretex failed me and I was soaked from head to toe. I was beginning to chill, and shiver, and we got the gear loaded into and onto the car in time for the heater to commence warming me.

Our country has many beautiful locales, many scenic rivers. For me, the Au Sable is the best, the Gem Of The North.
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Thanks, Chuck. Forgot to mention that I carried one of those pretty paddles you made. It likes Au Sable water.

I once read, and think we've discussed it on here at one time or another, about using marbles to epresent Life remaining. As I recall, you estimate your life span, and subtract your age from that. Then, to estimate how many Saturday mornings remain, mutiply estimated remaining years times 52. Say, for example, you estimated 10 years, so the product is 520.

Now, it gets even more personal. Get only 520 marbles and put them in a jar. Each Saturday, withdraw one marble. While not getting maudlin or weepy, plan out that golden Saturday carefully. Don't waste it. They're getting fewer and fewer. We're not 18 any more.

Start with dessert - life is short!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Start with dessert - life is short!

ALWAYS.:) For desert.

Not sure if I should do the marble calendar. I might misplace the jar of marbles and when that happens the wife will tell everyone that I have lost my marbles. :rolleyes:

Might be closer to the truth then anyone knows. Went for a walk yesterday ( 1.1/2 to 2 miles ) and after the 1st 1/4 mile it started to rain. We have tropical low over us funneling all the rain right up the middle of the state. I opened my umbrella and continued walking. I did have enough sense to take a umbrella and not my hiking staff. That hiking staff is not worth a darn as far as keeping the rain off of you , umbrellas area lot better.
There is something peaceful about walking in the rain. Listing to the rain drops softly hitting the leaves on the trees and then the rain drops hitting ( thunk ,thunk ) on the umbrella could be the bass instruments in this band.
It makes some really relaxing music as you walk along.
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
He was followed by manly Tiny Tim.

In the early 50s, Johnnie Ray's first song was "Nature Boy". Here, in Okemos, we had our own Nature Boy. A kid who was 2 classes ahead of me, was runnjng around nude after dark. He was caught in about 2-3 months. Never saw him again.

But, none of those guys were on the Au Sable last week.