family trailer camping |

family trailer camping


Well-Known Member
I is RV-ing, not camping. Tell that to my wife and daughter and our visiting Brazilian ex-exchange student. They had a great time swiming and meeting people and reading books they brought along. Everyone got enough sleep and plenty of Pizza and hot dogs. No cell service, no I got up early and started several things in my cast iron dutch oven. Made real honest to goodness bread. Cheated a little and started with frozen bread dough. Turned out great and made me lots of points in that part of the campground!

No, it's not the camping that KJ or Chuck or Jdupre' do.......but we had fun. Family time is quite valuable.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
No cell service, no Internet, dutch oven, fresh bread---a dang sight better than spending the weekend at home---no matter what you call it.

CampingRV'ing makes you realize that you can do without a bunch of "necessities" and still have an enjoyable time.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
No, it's not the camping that KJ or Chuck or Jdupre' do.......but we had fun. Family time is quite valuable.

Referring to the three above , are you are trying to say you did not spend the nights at the Holiday Inn but in a real campground. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is always good to get out and good chow makes it that much better. That bread cooking should of had everyone down wind showiing up at your campsite. :D


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I guess my ideal of what constitutes camping is different than most folks,
We camp for a couple reasons, money is one , on your little trip it would have taken 3 motel rooms, two to experience things we traveled to that area to see.
When Jack and I were on the Brazos I guarantee if there had been a cabin with a soft bed and climate control Jack would have never set his tent up(fire in the hole). We backpack use tents rvs hammocks camping stoves out of necessity to be able to survive and enjoy the things we like
at that location. now I bet the hardest core camper on here (if they will admit it) has wished for his bed when he was sleeping hot or cold or a little uncomfortable.
You used an rv more power to u , had a good time with some folks close to u don't get no better than that.
PS That rv let you go and do while some folks are sitting at home cause its to hot.

Lee Schneidermann

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I'll never criticize anyone who spends time with thier family. Doesn't matter if we're "camped" on the sofa together watching a good movie, or waiting out a rain storm on the bank of an unfamiliar river.
I once "camped" for four days in a hole 16" deep, a poncho with sod over it for camo., eating, sleeping, pissing, and deficating, all within those cozy confines just to get the "shot" to pass some silly course. It sucked!
I'll take the cabin, RV, or tent anytime. As long as I can share the experience with someone I love, it doesn't matter.
(But I'd also be satisfied by myself with a fire, a glass of bourbon, a cigar, and the stars over my head for a roof.) :wink:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I like the outdoors and camping , would prefer it over anything , except in the summer down here. Especially June , July and August.:evil:

The good months it is fun to be out in a tent or the hammock but when it gets bad then it is time to wake up and seak shelter.
( When I set up a trip ) I like to get to the area we are going to paddle at lease a day ahead to make sure everything is set up , the shuttle driver ( outfitter ) , place to safely park the vehicles , all the nit picking stuff that needs to be done before a river run.

Example :
Swampy and I were camping at Traders Hill waiting for the next day when the gang was going to show up for a river trip. That night it got to 27 degrees and in the morning both of us were frozen , Swampy in his hammock and me in the bed of my truck. We had some Coffee , packed up and hit a Motel in Folkeston , 1st thing inside that room was to turn on the heat , then a hot shower. 2nd was over to the restaurant (The Family Cafe " for a hot meal.

The gang arrived , that day , and stayed at the motel , except for three of the guys , they wanted to camp and froze there rears off that night. The next day ( the boats had ice on them ) breakfast at the restaurant and then off for a week's paddling an camping on the St, Mary's River.

Yes ... It got cold on the trip but we were on the river , not around town. Around the campfire a lot those night or in a warm sleeping bag. :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
When camping, I'd rather sleep in my Hennessy than in a tent, much easier on my back. But given a choice between a tent or not camping at all, I'll jump at a tent.

Ronnie was fooled by my ranting. I had a heck of a good time with that old reprobate. He'd sip that Dago red in the evening, and just sink a little lower in his chair. When he poured out onto the ground, we'd quit and go to bed.