Clark Tropical Hammock Review..New changes to the Hennessey |

Clark Tropical Hammock Review..New changes to the Hennessey


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
After the last few trips and using the Clark Hammock I finally posted a review with them.

They left out the part where I said .......
After a couple of years (2009 - 2011 ) I finally decided to send in a review of the Tropical Hammock.

As time marches on and everyone improves there product ..... Hennessey Hammocks have done a lot of modifications to theirs.

Side entry......

If you scroll down you will find the CAT CAPE PONCHO RAINFLY.... A rain fly that doubles as a poncho.
In the Hammock section........The DEEP JUNGLE ASYM ZIP XL
2 lbs 14 oz. / 1288g
New side entrance with zipper closure
Our first double bottom hammock
Radiant reflective bubble pad included.

Things are looking up for hammock campers. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Montgomery, Alabama
Re: Clark Tropical Hammock Review..New changes to the Hennes

Well Chuck, I think it would be in their best interest to start sending you free gear to review, and post comments on.
I want one now.
And maybe all 797 of your members will become Clark customers.

I'm trying to hook you up Chuck. Do you think I came on to strong?

But realy, thanks for the feed back, I've been wanting one of those.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Re: Clark Tropical Hammock Review..New changes to the Hennes

:lol: I like your idea of the free gear but then I would be obligated to say good things about the item , if I purchase it then the door is wide open on the comments.

Not sure about anyone else but for me the Clark is the best due to the bug problem we have here in the southern part of the country. Finally someone makes a comfortable hammock that is really bug proof and that is a blessing. The down side is the price , that keep me from getting one for a long time and trying others. I would of been way ahead to just bite the bullet and spend the extra to start with. Hindsight is a perfect 20 - 20 vision in my case. :wink:

All of the hammocks are good ones , some offer things the others don't and it just depends on what you want and what you are willing to do without.