Charcloth |



Well-Known Member
Sometimes it pays to do things the hard way and end up with a consistent product.



Well-Known Member
Chuck, i enjoy the challenge of starting a fire with a spark.

We may all be headed into a survival situation.

You are a married man, you'll understand this. All of last year's kitchen towels are in a bag by the back door. All new towels are in the kitchen drawer. I rescued the old ones and will take them out to the shop, but I don't need all of them for shop I charred one. Says she, "I just can't stand those old towels anymore."

I knew it would alert Jack if I did it my way and he would share his way with us......and it did.....and he did.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I STIll have two words for you, Piper San. And, the second one is still "you". :roll:

Any fella that would sneak up on a gently resting soul, and step on that poor cat, rending godawful screeching and wailing from the creature's tortured throat, well... he's a scoundrel of the first degree. Woke me right up out of a sound sleep, and interrupted a dream about, well, never mind who. de-szzzch-PICK-able!!