Bike riding .....NOT for geezers |

Bike riding .....NOT for geezers


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Did it mention how many band aids he has used or the number of arm cast, leg cast, rib tapings, large protective pads for road rash on different parts of the body. That poor fella did not git to that level of expertise injury free. It doesn't matter how much that film was edited. That guy is crazy talented.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Bob, I watched quite a few of his videos. I've seen a bunch of bumps and bruises on his arms and legs. He had some kind of surgery a while back for some kind of injury.
Crazy talented is right. I've seen him ride across the top of a STEEL picket fence.... dozens of sharp points ready to skewer various parts of his anatomy. Riding across that slack cable is something even circus performers won't try.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Yeah, the slack cable would have been something on rims - but on tires, it's one in a billion. I also liked when he rode the rail, snd flipped a 180 degree manuever and landed on the other rail! I'll go practice that today. Making sure the rsils are rusty, and not shiny and slick. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
In my younger days a friend of mine had a Ford Model A. He would take it and we would ride the rail road tracks with it. never touching the steering wheel just the gas.
We would let about 1/3 of the air out of the tires so they would form a slight inverted cup over the rails that made them follow the tracks. The rubber of the tires made a good bond with the track and offered better traction then just a metal rim and a metal track.
That was a sneaky way to get into some lakes that did not have any other way to get to them. We made sure no trains were coming or using the tracks that day and when we got to the lake we wanted to fish we drove the Ford off of the tracks and onto the grass.

Checking his ride on the cables with the bike..............
He rode that cable with fully inflated tires not ones partially inflated that would form over the cable and help to stay centered on the cable.