Aussie off-shore kayak fishing |

Aussie off-shore kayak fishing


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day guys,

Here is a link to my mates kayak fishing club site and some of the fish they are catching recently.

These are all good blokes and unfortunately live a little far away from me (a couple hundred miles) to regularly attend their trips. The piccies are updated weekly.

The young bloke with the funny hair cut and most of the big fish is Duran, a South African who recently immigrated here and brought his magnificent SA fishing ski with him.

The South Africans are leading the world in fishing kayak design in my opinion and we could all learn a lot from them.

please enjoy.

Here is a link to their surf launches.

Lots of piccies.

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana


Not a geezer in the bunch but, it looks good for the future.

Gotta tie your gear down real well for the launch .

Now for the question.

Are they launching the boats, or themselves from the boats :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Baldy,

Many of these blokes are mid to late 40s with a few in their 50s. Most have been surfers and fishermen all their lives and this is little more than a combination of both sports.

The SA kayaks typically have a long central hatch in which to store the rods and fish etc while coming and going through the surf zone. their kayaks or skis as the south Africans call them are purpose built to handle seriously big surf, not the pissant aussie variety depicted in thos shots.

To this end, I believe the South African factory boats, namely Kaskazi, Erics Canoe and Stealth to name just a few are the best in the world in very bad conditions. These people have learned their lessons very well and the big name Europen, Australian and American factories will ignore them at their peril.

The hard core Australian off shore yak fishermen in this group have demonstrated my point. these boat were not available here until fairly recently. A couple went to the trouble and considerable expense to import single boats in and soon deallers started popping up. Their boats are very much dearer than the well known plastic jobbies so much around.

The serious off shore guys are not hesitating to spend the extra bucks on a boat that is as good, at least as they, the paddlers can ever hope to be and depending on the individuals ability, will get them out and back in again every time.

If I were still doing surf work like these guys, be sure one of these boats or one very much like one would have been in my stable years ago.

Matt, Thank you. I am sure the boys will be chuffed. Duran is the boy of the group but he is the most hard core kayak fisherman I have ever met.

Tomtre, another of the mob will probably be along fairly soon. He is currently planning on a laker build for skinny water work. I think my laker and its surprising performance impressed the heck out of him the other week-end.