Au Sable - May 2008 |

Au Sable - May 2008

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Tales from the Log of the Katie Bug

NOTE: The Katie Bug is a 13' plywood S&G canoe I built for Katie and me. As I age out of it, she ages into it.

Link for piccies

Saturday, 10 May 08: A bit of a late start - departed home at 14:10. Katie (my 7 year old Granddaughter, Kayla Duby) and I arrived at Bud Hart's cottage a mile south of Frederic at 17:00. Bud Hart, Jim Pifer, Toby Nipper (White Caps), Gerry Morin (Bear's Buddy), Katie, and me. We'll be joined Tuesday by Charlie Parmelee and Doug McDougal.

Bud's cottage is about 7 miles north of Grayling on the upper Au Sable, a pleasant trout stream about 1'-2' deep, 20' wide, and filled with rocks and fish. Water is cold and clear, bottom is sand and gravel. Just what a river should be.

We all went out to dinner in Frederic, sat around and talked some afterwards, and went to bed to prepare for the trip. The upstairs is a bunkhouse.

Sunday 11 May 08: Everybody woke up at 06:30. So, we got up, had some coffee & tea, and loaded up. We gathered at Grayling Restaurant for a hearty breakfast. We were joined by Tom and Nancy Brooks. Tom does the vehicle shuttle, and he and Nancy are personal friends.

A half mile drive to Penrod's canoe Livery to unload the cars and load the boats. Jim Humes at Penrod's is very gracious and lets us launch every year. His dock facilities are very neat and clean, and easy to load and launch from. We buy souvenirs at his store. Him and Tom Brooks are good men, and trustworthy in business.

We departed at 11:10 for a leisurely paddle to Canoe Camp. Weather is a bit cloudy and cool. We landed at Canoe Camp about 13:15. We pitched camp and got set up. Katie is running around playing. Jim has been teaching her about using a fly rod. She plays with the plastic pitcher I have as a bailing bucket, picking up stones and other “treasures'.

Supper tonight was chicken noodle vegetable soup and squash. Katie had made the noodles, and I had dehydrated the veggies and squash.

Monday 12 May 08: Up early, packed the boats and launched at 08:50. Katie started her journal and sketchbook today. We saw a mink! Though not rare, they certainly aren't common either. They run along the bank, climb out on trees and branches, and swim in the water. You have to keep a sharp eye out. This is the first one Katie has ever seen. He was only about 20' away, so she got a good view of it. We're also seeing robins, belted kingfishers, blue jays, crows, ravens, mallard and canvas back ducks, and Canadian geese.

She's a very healthy, happy little girl. She plays well alone and with the guys. Rocks, plastic pitcher, sketches, and her journal. She's having a great time.

We landed at White Pine Camp Ground at 16:30. Supper was spaghetti. A few stories around the campfire.

Tuesday 13 May 08: Departed at 09:17. Before 09:30 – we'd already seen a turkey, a Canadian goose, and a muskrat. Katie was a bit sick this morning. Got OK by noon; tea seemed to help her a lot.

About 14:00 we stopped to see some beaver-cut trees, sticks, and chips. Gerry found a large painted turtle, about 10â€


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Truthful Jack,

I am glad Katie had such a good time with a bunch of geezers. Good on all ya'll.


Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That is some pretty water and camping areas , it is great that all you kids had such a good time but that is why we do it....... Right?

It's amazing that in the same country , one camping party (in the south) is having warmer temperatures and only dropping into the low 60's while another camping party ( the northern one) has frost on there boats. I wounder if someplace between the two it would of been just right. Not to warm and not to cold .... just perfect.

Jeeeeeee , that thought makes me want some porridge , not to hot , not to cold. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Jack and Miss Kayla,

That was a great story and even better piccies. Thank you for sharing.

You have warmed this tired old heart on a cold and yet, another sleepless night here. I enjoyed every word and could hardly wait for each successive picture in your album to open up.

Jack, It sems your name is somewhat of a misnomer? You also paddle a fine canoe, even if it is with a - gasp - kayak paddle. :p Would you care to enighten us as to her design and origin please. :D

Did you build this boat? if so, why did you opt for inwhales only? Enquiring minds want to know. :D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

It's a Selway-Fisher Christine. Matt didn't have all the boats then that he has now. Today, I wouldn't build that boat again.

I use in-whales only because that's all that is needed. Out-whales are extra weight, and not as strong as what I have. By using spacers between the hull and in-whales, I have created a box beam that is extremely strong.

Notice my thwarts are only lengths of cord? A thwart keeps the sides of the boat from spreading apart under stress. Cordage does that job fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
hairymick said:
You also paddle a fine canoe, even if it is with a - gasp - kayak paddle. :p

I noticed that ... plus there were others doing the same , "O" the shame of it , Gasp , Choke , Gag , Shutter a kayak paddle in a canoe , whats next TV's in a tent? That's as bad as putting sugar on grits or mustard on hash browns. Just plain unheard of for a normal person to even think of doing it. :twisted:
I think the key word there is ....... NORMAL PERSON.... ain't nothing normal about that crew as all of us know by now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The voyagers who paddled those rivers in the past have to flip flopping in there graves and biting the stems off there clay (smoking) pipes. :p



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Captain Kayla made the trip fun. She had us outnumbered -- one of her to only seven of us.

The kayak paddle works great for a single handed canoe, especially a good quality one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
oldsparkey said:
It's amazing that in the same country , one camping party (in the south) is having warmer temperatures and only dropping into the low 60's while another camping party ( the northern one) has frost on there boats. I wounder if someplace between the two it would of been just right. Not to warm and not to cold .... just perfect.
We wuz there.....cept fer some rain that made fer good nappin'.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Great report Jack! So glad y'all Katie is some Gal....she seems to have grown so much since I last saw her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

Just takin the P' mate. :D

Have tried the yak paddle in a canoe. Certainly more speed & power but to me, it is just not right. When I am in the canoe, I get into "cruise" mode. Not interested in going fast. Just kickin back, enjoying the scenery loafing along, still eating up the miles, but doing it EASY 8) 8) :D