I have finally fitted out my Northwind and given it five coats of varnish and I reckon it looks pretty good
Took it for a 10 kilometre paddle up the Wagonga Inlet and I am absolutely thrilled with this boat. The water was really too smooth to give it a thorough trial, but I found the boat to be stable and swift. It tracked accurately with a double bladed paddle and also performed well with a single blade. One thing I really love about the boat is the large cockpit. With my dodgy knee I have a lot of trouble getting in and out of kayaks, even the large cockpit Okwata, but the Northwind is a breeze.
I hope to give a more detailed report when I've had a chance to really give it a complete test. One thing I am sure of however, is that this boat will be a keeper.

Took it for a 10 kilometre paddle up the Wagonga Inlet and I am absolutely thrilled with this boat. The water was really too smooth to give it a thorough trial, but I found the boat to be stable and swift. It tracked accurately with a double bladed paddle and also performed well with a single blade. One thing I really love about the boat is the large cockpit. With my dodgy knee I have a lot of trouble getting in and out of kayaks, even the large cockpit Okwata, but the Northwind is a breeze.
I hope to give a more detailed report when I've had a chance to really give it a complete test. One thing I am sure of however, is that this boat will be a keeper.