A Land Sailer.... Almost a boat??????? | SouthernPaddler.com

A Land Sailer.... Almost a boat???????


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

For anyone who has trouble finding water and wants to sail here is a Land Sailer that Uncle John ( http://www.unclejohns.com/ ) dreamed up.

He has been kicking ideas off me and as I told him this looks like something that would be a whole lot of fun.....

Check it out............ www.unclejohns.com/landsailer

Not sure if it would be considered a boat but it is darn close ....... you have to sail it like a boat and it can be used on ice which is water. :D Or so I have been told by the folks that live up North. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I told Uncle John that I posted his new idea on the forum and here is part of a letter he sent me in responce.......

" I took it to a Messabout at the Lake Charles Yacht Club. No wind but it did draw a lot of attention. Someone emailed me and asked "how fast will it go", I have no Idea, haven't had wind.
This coming Sat we're off to the beach to see what it will do on sand. Part of the going to the beach problem is that so many people want to go that it's figuring out when all can go. Nice to have such a problem.
Almost everyone who sees it says the same thing "that's cool". I've always wanted one but I don't want to learn how to weld but I do work wood. I know there are a lot of us out there. So fantasies can be fulfilled, I've got mine and they can have one too. No welding and no trailer.

Another product that can bring happiness to the individual. And that's what it's all about. (as you know) ".

My respoce to his letter ...........


    That last statment is what it is all about. If it wasn't then we (and everyone else designing boats and items for relaxation ) have been doing something wrong but I think a lot of folks agree with us on what is fun. :D
