A Bass Case! | SouthernPaddler.com

A Bass Case!


Well-Known Member

I got tired of transporting my Peavey bass in the soft gig bag, so I decided to make myself a hard case. Materials are 1/4" plywood for the top and bottom and 1/4" pine boards for the sides. Construction is glue and staples.


I didn't think to start taking photos until I was this far into the process. I used blue foam board to cut out the guitar body shape. The lining is a plush, short nap faux fur. The covering for the case is a thin vinyl with a nice leather-look texture.


Here's the bass nestled in the case.


The side pieces for the top, glued and stapled.


I fit the top pieces to the base using the lip that I installed in the bottom as a jig.


The plywood top was then glued and stapled in order to hold it all to shape.


Covering the top...


...only to find that I ran out of spray adhesive when I was almost finished. I was sure I had another can of that stuff laying around. Oh well...tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jack! This is my first try at making a box.


Finished! The suitcase handle was brown, but since this photo I've painted it black with Krylon Fusion plastic paint.


Closed. But...


It opens! And, after I open it, I can close it again!


The bass in its new home.


The handle after painting.


The hinges. I was going to use a piano hinge, but I decided that it was overkill.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Nice case Joel. :)
:wink: Pay no attention to Jack, he is trying to become a little boy again. Old people start a second childhood. I think this his third, or fourth one.:roll:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Mike, go visit Island Piper (Piper San, Keith Davis) in Ponchatoula LA. He makes guitars, violins, mandolins, and cellos. Starts out with a chisel and a block of wood, ends up with a pile of shavings and a guitar (or other instrument).
Very killed craftsman. All-time good guy.


Well-Known Member
No, but I was going to use vinyl that we have on hand from when we changed to ballistic nylon, but I may still use that to skin one of my kayaks I have hanging in the garage.

As far as building a guitar, I'm going to build a Saga 5-string bass kit so I can get the hang of it, then I'm going to build another 4-string from scratch, or almost from scratch. I'm planning on building a copy of a Fender Precision Bass built around an aftermarket Fender neck. I'll post pics as I make progress.