15 - 20 Days | SouthernPaddler.com

15 - 20 Days

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
We are talking 3 days at most without people/store.
Food is a seprate item ot on here

Canoe Trip, What to take.

Line [2] 40 ft
Canoe Cart w/ straps
life vest
3 paddles [one metal]
GPS W Spare Batts
Sleeping Bag
Tarp W lines
Small Shovel
Repair kit
Tire repair kit
15. Duct type tape

3 changes of clothes
2 Shorts
1 long pants
3 socks
2 tee shirts
1 long sleeved shirt
Set of. Long Johns
pr boots
1 pr camp shoes
Swim suit ?
2. Spare Glasses
3. Tooth brush/paste
4. Nail Clippers
5.B P Meds
6. Hats W/ bug net
7. Rain Gear
8. Head Lamp
9. First Aid Kit
10. Mole Skin
11. Sun Blocker
12. ID. CC. Money
13. Phone W/Charger
Camera W/Charger
Hand sanitizer

Stove [Single burner]
Grill [fold up]
Waterproof Matches
Fire starter [Magneisum ]
Fire starter sticks.
Water purifier [First Need]
Knife Fork,Spoon
Coffee pot
Paper towels
Sponge [scrubber]
Bear Barrel [if in an area of]

Suggestions ?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Here's my basic checklist. I modify it to suit a trip:
Camping Checklist

1. ___ 1 week – trim toenails
2. ___ 1-2 days - Notify NOAA (EPIRB)
3. ___ 1-2 days - family out to dinner

1. ___ 5 gal pail w/Gamma cover
2. ___ Breakfasts/person
A. ___ Power bars 1/day
B. ___ Tea 3/day
C. ___ Pink lemonade mix
3. ___ Lunches/person
A. ___ Jerky
B. ___ Dried fruits
C. ___ Square bagels
D. ___ Peanut butter
E. ___ Oranges
F. ___ Cheese
G. ___ Nuts
4. ___ Dinners/person
A. ___ Jiffy Mix
B. ___ Olive oil
C. ___ Cheese
D. ___ Smoked sausage
E. ___ Gravy mix & bouillon
F. ___ Stuffing mix
G. ___ Tortillas
H. ___ Refried beans
I. ___ Rice, noodles, beans
J. ___ Canned chicken
K. ___ Soup mixes
L. ___ Fresh onion, cabbage, carrot
M.___ Salt, pepper, garlic, curry, Tabasco, basil, oregano,

1. ___ Water purifier w/paper filters
2. ___ Matches
3. ___ Svea stove, & windshield
4. ___ Fuel
5. ___ Fire paste
6. ___ LittlBug Stove/Folding stove
7. ___ Water bottles
8. ___ Cook kit w/utensils, wooden handled knife
9. ___ Mess kit 1/person
10. ___ Thermos/s 1/person
11. ___ Dish washing bag, soap, ammonia, scrubby, chlorine beach
12. ___ Collapsible bucket
13. ___ Spare matches/ lighters

1. ___ Trekmor pants & shirts, 2 sets
2. ___ Belt/suspenders
3. ___ Rain gear & felt hat
4. ___ Mukluks & X Country shoes
5.___ Sunglasses
6. ___ Wool/fleece shirts
7. ___ Wicking socks. 1 pr/day
8. ___ Wicking skivvies 1 pr/2 day
9. ___ Hankies 1/ 2 day
10. ___ Bandannas 1-3
11. ___ Drawers
12. ___ Down vest
13. ___ Mesh bag for dirty clothes
14. ___ Gloves

1. ___ Rain fly, ropes, stakes
2. ___ Sleeping bag/s, fleece hat, headlight & batteries, pee bottle
3. ___ Tent or hammock w/ tree huggers, ropes, stakes
4. ___ Pad/s (self inflating or closed cell)
5. ___ Pole(s) + ends

1. ___ Vitamins & medications
2. ___ First aid kit & Extractor
3. ___ T-paper & wipes
4. ___ Waterless hand cleaner + spares
5. ___ Toothbrush, floss, & baking soda
6. ___ Hand soap & hair scrubber
7. ___ Tweezers
8. ___ Backup matches & compass
9. ___ Backup duct tape
10.___ Cigars, matches, Scotch

1. ___ Boat
2. ___ PFD w/ EPIRB, whistle, & knife
3. ___ Paddles
4. ___ Seat pads & backs
5. ___ Sponge & bailer
6. ___ Spray skirt, cockpit liner & cover
7. ___ Security cable

1. ___ Credit card, drivers license, medical card, pass port, Fed Forest card, journal,
2. ___ GPS & batteries
3. ___ Compass
4. ___ Maps in water proof case
5. ___ Multi purpose tool
6. ___ Knife
7. ___ Duct tape
8. ___ Spare matches
9. ___ Shovel/hatchet
10. ___ Glasses, sunglasses, cases & wipes
11. ___ Binoculars
12. ___ Cell phone w/charger, palm,
13. ___ Lightning detector & batteries
14. ___ Camp stool, table
15.___ Bird call & magnifying glass

RE you checklist: I prefer to carry a mesh bag of lines, about a gallon sized bag. They dry out easily in a mesh bag. My lines are pre marked with permanent laundry marker for length, one red mark for each full 10', plus one black mark for each full 2' beyond. A 45' line would have four red marks and two black marks. I have quite a few lines of 5' to 20'. Some places (all of Canada, I think) does not allow canoe carts.

Ronnie Smith likes a machete in Texas; they are useful in some locales. In my area they are of limited usefulness.

For what is your "repair kit"? I never required a tire repair kit, epoxy, glass, or spreader in the outback. Pack duct tape wrapped around a piece of plastic (3" X 5" cut from a milk jug). About a fourth of a roll per flat pack.

Spread matches and compasses in several bags in case of loss.

Clothes are more comfortable if not cotton. Wicking clothing is better. Carry more shirts than pants. Rain gear is essential. My favorite has become LL Bean's Stow Away pants and jacket http://www.llbean.com/llb/search?storeI ... w+away&Go=

Take extra shoe strings for footwear.

Micro fleece makes a decent camp towel (shop rags at Sam's)

Baking soda is a good dentifrice, lighter than tooth paste. Also useful on bee stings, and as an electrolyte.

Head lamp heeds to be water proof. Princeton Tek makes come very nice ones. Extra batteries.

Eating utensils. You can leave home the knife and fork. You already have a knife along, and a spoon does it all. Plastic is both lighter and cheaper than titanium. Use a salad bowl rather than a plate. Takes soups, goops, and solid foods.

Leave the kitchen sponge home; it harbors bacteria and can make you sick. Use a plastic dish scrubby. I carry a mesh bag and put washed dishes in there. Pour boiling water over dishes (2 man job - one carefully holding bag and turning dishes to get all surfaces washed and cups upside down to drain) and hang them up to dry.

A 1 quart tea kettle has become my most used utensil. OK: http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/Product___80784 Better: http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/Product___55488WC Actually, both sets work nicely. I found stainless steel (even with copper clad bottoms) stuck on food terribly bad. Cast iron is best, if you can afford to carry the weight. Hard anodized aluminum seems to be a least-worst combination compromise of weight and non-stick. It's much easier to pack tea bags and simply boil water. I use the 1 pint stainless steel thermos, add one teabag, and fill with water. I make it up while I'm cooking supper, and it stays hot overnight. If you need coffee however, try this http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/Product___75252WC

I use a 5 gallon can with a gamma lid instead of a bear barrel. It has a handle for convenience (both mine, and the bear's). Bears are self-trained to go for any bag hanging in a tree. They're not dumb.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Couple questions.
Is this a 20 day trip with stops every three days?
What part of the country?
Battery operated phones and whatever ,why a charger what are you going to use to power it?
I would suggest one of the small led lanterns, really nice at night or inside tent and is a backup to your headlight
A camera is a necessary piece of equipment for me.
I prefer the big knives are machete to the hatchets.
Jack and I differ on the food ,I want fresh food with dried food as a back up,I will starve to death eating what Jack eats
With a stop every three days a cooler would go with me .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I pack light........

1. This waterproof ( green ) bag has the house in it ..... Hammock , sleeping bag , mattress , blanket and a sheet , a tarp. covers everything from warm weather to a cold snap. Usually a bottle of bourbon wrapped in the blanket for safety.

2. This waterproof ( green) bag has the clothing in it..... Two long slacks , "T" Shirts ( 4) boxer shorts (4) , socks (several pair) light weight long sleeve shirt ( cabelas guide wear 2 of them) , hiking shorts (2) , camp shoes and a towel. Plus what I am wearing , along with a hat , sunglasses and have on my person.

3. Small ( orange waterproof ) bag with rain gear , medications and incidentals. ( Toilet Paper , tooth brush , pistol , small 1st aid kit. )

4. A large ( orange waterproof) ammo box with the camera , medications , flashlight , spare batteries , GPS and Personal locater ( Beacon) My wallet goes in there when I am on the water.

5. Food box ( Rubbermaid Action Packer ) with the food , alcohol stove and spare fuel for it. ( sometimes the wood burning Zip Stove is in there) The lid of the food box doubles as a table for cooking and eating.

6. Loose in the boat , a couple jugs of water ( I use them for drinking and as ballast to even the boat out ) , a folding camp chair , one of the coon tubes with snacks in it .. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2176 , a sponge for bailing and a spare paddle with a bow line for the boat.

That is basically what I take if it is an overnight or a two week trip , only thing that really changes is the amount of food and clothing for a short trip. Always have a spare change of clothing ( depending on the weather ) in case one set gets wet.
At night I always put the chair close to the hammock under the rain fly with the orange bag and the ammo box in the chair , it is close at hand and in reaching distance. If I am in a tent it is in there with me.

I also leave a complete , clean , change of clothes in the vehicle for after the trip. Also after a trip I make a note of what was not used and if it is not used on the next trip , it stays home from then on , excluding safety items.

So far Viennas & Ritz Crackers have always made trips and resupplied after each one. :wink:

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana

I am " HOPING " at some point in the near future to do the New York Section of the [ Northern Forest Canoe Trail ] and after reaching Lake Champlain

working my way down the Western edge to Fort Ticonderoga [sp]. That will be a total of about 220 miles and run somewhere around 15-20 days.

I have in and out laws within 150 miles, so a bailout would be available if it were required.

Something I have been dreaming about for some time.

I'm not sure but, i think that the notice that Dixie Carter [the actress] passed at the age of 70 may have something to do with my decision.

I just realised that that is only 3 years away. Not only her but, there have been many people head off to the great clean river in the sky who haven't as yet reached my tender years. Maby it's time to just enjoy life for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Dixie Carter was a Classy Lady , besides have a great name. I know what you are saying she is or should I say she was 4 years ahead of me. Each day does make a difference.

It is never to late to do what you are dreaming about and the best time to do it is when you can and not later down the road. None of us know where that Stop sign is for us on that road.

Some of the guys did the 213 miles on the Suwannee River and one of them was in his 80's , the rest a little younger but on Social Security. They left from Griffins fish camp , next to the Okefenokee Swamp and went down river , resupplying along the way.

Then John Deppa did it from the Okefenokee Swamp all the way to the Gulf of Mexico ....SOLO.... the full 266 miles. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7410

What I am getting at is this.... You want to do it , then do it. That is what they did , thought about it and then did it. I have paddled a lot of the river but not all the way at one time like they did.... I like the upper part or top half of the Suwannee and the Okefenokee Swamp.

PS. We ain't getting any younger. :wink: I have a different way when looking at life then most folks ..... Today ( the present ) is the here and now when I can do something , tomorrow ( the future ) never arrives it is always one day ahead of me and yesterday ( time passed ) is always gone and behind me. It's the today's that count and I have counted each one from Oct 29 , 1993 .....to now. :D That was when I had three cardiac arrests and the doc told everyone I was dead .....later I proved he was wrong when they were getting ready to put me in the cold storage , much to his embarrassment.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I guess I was lucky and unlucky at he same time.
A couple of experiences in Nam ,where the odds were better I would not see the sunrise than I would has had me in the mind set to grab a little bit of that gold ring every day.
Still have a lot to do,still need to finish the Brazos and a couple more things and I am sure I will think of some more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
baldy i,m with them i,m rooting for you. if you keep putting it off you may never do it. i have some of the same dreams of you & the rest of the geezers, have . i plan on doing them one day too in the near futer.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
With the gear I had on the trip with Jack,I could have stayed out thirty days with just a couple of changes.
I found one of the most important things to me on a extended paddling trip is easy camp set up,10 minutes at most
better like I am now at five minutes. After a long day setting up and breaking camp gets to be a job. The easier it is the more enjoyable the trip
A good cot is worth its weight in gold after a few days. splurge a little on weight and carry a good one.
Carry a varied diet and some of it spicy. Plan a rest or bad weather day at least ever fourth day into your trip
Pack your boat where your tent, cot, sleeping bag are the first things out and in that order
These things sure make a multiday trip more enjoyable
Lets you set up fast in bad weather and the less time you you spend setting up the more time you have to cook and enjoy a adult beverage around the fire.
PS you probably know all that already but it is worth mentioning

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'm glad this subject has gotten knocked around some more. I've reviewed checklists, procedures, etc. again. Bounced ideas of off several other campers. Snipped an item or two off the list, and added one - a week before a trip, check over the vehicle. I still have time to get a problem fixed then.