"ERROR 423
The requested resource is currently locked. The lock must be released or proper identification given before the method can be applied."
Easiest way is just order the fourth rib. If you have a table saw, all you need is the plans. I don't, so I ordered the plans, stems, and four ribs.
Plans, stems, and 4 ribs don't run much for how good they are and how much they gain you.
Federal Minimum Wage (thank you lefty libs :twisted: ) is $7.25/hr.
Some States also have mandated minimum wages higher than the Fed: (: http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/america.htm
The income tax laws screw the real earnings numbers up pretty good against solid figuring, though - we have this...
I went with Uncle Johns plans http://www.unclejohns.com/boat/plans/ki ... 5%2009.pdf
Made mine with four ribs and right at 27" on the middle beam. Only used 2 sheets of 4.5mm luan.
You could enclose and foam the ends for some extra flotation, too.
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