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  1. S

    A Comfortable Pirogue (Boat) seat ..ya can make

    Here ya go Mick. Don't forget to check out the teardrop forum. There's a number of Aussies who post there.
  2. S

    just a pic

    Here's one posted over in the pirogue section before I realized we have a gallery for...well, for pics of course! It's Normandy Lake in middle TN. Click the link for the big version.
  3. S

    just a pic (post your favorite)

    Oops...didn't scroll down far enough to see the gallery section. I'll stick 'er in there.
  4. S

    J-stroke effective in a pirogue?

    Ok, spent nearly 2 hrs on the water this morning and learned alot. One, it got windy and it's hard to keep pointed in the right direction! Wasn't able to make any headway against it using single paddle. During calm periods I was able to make the j-stroke work well. It's very relaxing and...
  5. S

    J-stroke effective in a pirogue?

    Chuck have ya ever thought about carving desert ironwood? There's your anchor; stuff don't float. :lol: Actually dunno how it would carve with a blade, but it sands pretty good. Woulda started making the chair today but spend the morning in the water instead. Priorities ya know. :wink:
  6. S

    just a pic (post your favorite)

    Think this one turned out nice. Simple, colorful, peaceful. If ya want the big version, click the link:
  7. S

    J-stroke effective in a pirogue?

    If you're sitting in the middle of a pirogue, will the j-stroke keep you going straight? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem most effective when seated in the rear of a canoe where it can push the back end opposite the turning tendency of the boat. Think my peerow would sink if...
  8. S

    Can I use 1/2 ply for a UJ Bottom?

    One advantage to 1/2 would be keeping weight down low resulting in less tippyness.
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    maiden and things learned

    Was readin' up on single paddling, like in a canoe, and will try the kneeling before the standing. Unless it's a real hot day.
  10. S

    maiden and things learned

    Yep, think a longer paddle would be helpful. The one I ordered was available in 7.0 and 7.5 foot so I got the 7.5. Need to spend some time with the single paddle too. Chuck at this stage there's a powerful buncha learning to be done sitting on my living room floor, paddle in hand. :lol:
  11. S

    maiden and things learned

    You guys are a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for the info. As you can tell, I have not yet made it to the paddling chapter in my copy of The Idiot's Guide to Canoeing and Kayaking. :lol: After a day to think about it, one of my mistakes was plunging the paddle too vertical, which puts the...
  12. S

    maiden and things learned

    Took 'er down to Normandy Lake, just east of Shelbyville, TN (of walking horse fame). Couple things struck me. That little boat is tippy man! It's like trying to ride a bike very slow and always needing to stick a foot out, or you'll fall over. Have to stay aware of the water surface and...
  13. S

    rope handles

    Looking for info and a couple pics. Been searching an hour now and can't find it! Simple loop through screw eyes at each stem, with a plastic pipe to make it easy on the hand. Someone tell me how to tie the knot? Maybe it's crammed into the pipe, I dunno. Had a very neat look, I...
  14. S

    Mosquieto Coils and Smoking Tents.

    I've used mosquito coils and I think they work. Never put 'em in a tent before. My strategy is to get in and out quickly, never leave doors open unless for a split second to pass something through.
  15. S

    Flat bottom warping and bowing up?

    Was it like mine? Used some oak bracing and took the bow out easier than I though it would. Won't be walking around in a 15 ft pirogue, so figured I could live with the extra bracing on the floor.
  16. S

    got 'er done

    Other than a couple screw eyes in each stem, she's pretty much done. Little over 15'. Won't get 'er in the water this weekend; hopefully next and will post some pics. Thinking maybe screen door handles insteadda screw eyes...make better handles for carrying.
  17. S

    couple launch photos

    That looks super! 8) One of these days I'm gonna build a canoe or kayak that shows off the wood like that. For now, I paint. :roll:
  18. S

    bottom bows up, is this a problem? (pic)

    Got it braced. Took the bend right out. :D Didn't care for the idea of using an interior brace, but should look ok as a boundary for runners to brace the floor when stepping into the boat (is there a nautical term for those?). They'll also keep the arse dry when sitting on the floor. :lol:
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    bottom bows up, is this a problem? (pic)

    What happened was, I started out with plywood that was sorta wavy...bottom of the pallet stuff. Thing is, I've never seen 1/4 inch discount store ply that was totally flat. And since it's my first boat, a cheap ole pirogue, I didn't wanna order okume or anything expensive. So yep, ya...
  20. S

    bottom bows up, is this a problem? (pic)

    Will this make my peerow unstable? It's only on one end, between the middle and outter ribs (UJ kit). Less than a half inch drop. Will probably add a skeg on the outside and some runners on the inside to help eliminate the bow, just because it gets on my nerves. If you guys think...