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    rain and shine at grays creek

    I learned that if i get toooooo much blood in my coffee system it takes a long time to get anything done. piper
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    The famous SWAMPWOOD PIROGUE maiden voyage

    Mr. Swampwood, your pirogue carried me out and carried me back. I can tell you it hauls a ton of stuff, and does so with class and tracks like an arrow. I feels solid and safe in al respects. I miss a couple of tie-down spots and will add them sometime. I really miss one, single tie point...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Jdupre' leaving the put-in area......what a nice day to start a trip. The water level was up about as high as we have ever seen it there. In 48 hours it dropped a good 2 1/2 feet. Well, either the water went down or the black, sticky mud came up. My new house A two-person size...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Got home a couple of hours ago. Unloaded and washed all my cook kit stuff and the laundry is next. Not moving at full speed and if i don't spill the beans on that one Joey will. It's hell to get old, and in combination with stupid and blind it's a killer. More later. piper
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    sent in from my just a short message. we re drying out today after twenty hours of rain. lots of pics coming wednesday evening. we are not starving. joey and piper
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    Happy Birthday....Jack.

    yeah Jack. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Ninty-one this year, right? You don't look a day over 75!! I mailed you a shot of Scotch, did you get it? piper
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    Candle Lantern

    Just like this, different label: ... rn-painted
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    Candle Lantern

    Based partly on the glowing review of this glowing item by a fella in Florida (I won't mention his name but his initials are C H U C K), i popped for a candle lantern. I got it from America's favorite outdoor shop, WalMart. It cost me about $20 and i got some extra 9-hour candles with it...
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    Twas The Night Before Christmas - A Kid Again

    The Algae Bra still comes in just green? Or do you offer the Blue-Green Algae Bra now?
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    Twas The Night Before Christmas - A Kid Again

    What a great poem Jack. Did you write that? piper
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    Reaching that magic age

    You're right Chuck. Size matters. Re-sized, re-filed and re-posted. End of Re-port piper
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    Reaching that magic age

    Well, fellas, i've about gotten to that magic age where the part of me which most reliably swells up and gets stiff is my elbow. As it turns out, my "burseae" decided to blow up. At it's worst it hung like a turkey wattle under my elbow and flopped back and forth. Not really painful, but not...
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    Lightweight Backpacking for Paddling later on.........

    Here's a tip: take al the buttons off that flannel shirt you carry, and that'll save an ounce. Put them in the right chest pocket and you won't be losing them when you put your reading glasses in and out. piper
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    Raised Beds

    My garden ROASTED, got nothing out of it but bills from the garden store. I'm about to dig it all up, i.e. the weeds that grew really well, and put in some root crops for the winter. It was not a good year for a garden. i got that tomato blight crap that killed them one branch a day till...
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    Life and Priorities

    Was that a morning class period or a night class? I keep a beer in the fridge at work, just to look at, it's been there a long time. And, we don't go through much mayo now that the kids have grown up and moved away. So many issues, so little time. piper
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    nice looking child. Do your best to spoil the H*** out of him while he's visiting. It's your duty as a grandpa . Tell Mary "she done good". piper
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    This weekend cooking....

    Matt even has a chapter in the new book! Matt's Hurry Up Spuds piper
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    Kitchen Stories from ILFC

    The November First target date ran by like a scared rabbit. No word on a firm date at this time, but the publisher says "ASAP"......what ever that means. I'll keep all interested parties in the loop. Till then, here's a little taste: VIVIAN’S TWICE BAKED POTATOES A couple of years...
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    New Boat Build

    What's that big black think on the back of the boat?
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    Health Food, wrapped in Geezer Bait

    Bacon Wrapped Apple Cheddar biscuits ... 11_06_2011 hmmmm Wonder how the go with beer? Piper