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  1. I

    Birthday gifts

    I've seen Joey do that whole "hot water up the nose" thing......both that AND enemas scare me. I'll just stay stopped up. No more details offered. piper
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    Birthday gifts

    Jack, what is it with you old guys? If you aren't talking about BM's then it's bladders. BTW, i just happen to have a box of FINE WINE in the fridge as i write this. After the week i had at work (another swear word), i may just have to empty it and free up that space. piper
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    Birthday gifts

    I had a birthday this week and my daughter came home from college today with gifts under her arm. She brought me a nice new folding water container (i think it fits my First Needs purifier) and a self-inflating pillow. Both very cool gifts. I'm a lucky guy! piper
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    Best Plywood for UJ Build?

    i've built three UJ's......all with Luan. it makes an affordable boat, light weight, easy to work. GLASS BOTH SIDES. Butt joints at the center, I learned the hard way. I'd rather have a luan boat that lasts five years than to wait five years to build one which will last for ten. JUST...
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    Aragorn: Gentlemen! We do not stop 'til nightfall. Pippin: But what about breakfast? Aragorn: You've already had it. Pippin: We've had one, yes. But what about second breakfast? [Aragorn stares at him, then walks off.] Merry: Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip. Pippin: What about...
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    Theme pictures, see if you can pick it out

    (Sorry if some of these are toooo large, they are old and i'll try to shrink the new stuff) Piper
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    Cheap kayak seat

    I don't have yaks anymore, just the Swampwood Pirogue. I find that sitting on the seat, almost any seat, is only part of the problem. The real problem comes when i try to get up out of the the boat. Last trip i considered asking Joey to just bring my meals down to the boat and pass them out...
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    A Real, By-Golly Simmering Stove

    Here is the modern version, you'll like the price ( not ) piper ... s_id/25026
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    A Real, By-Golly Simmering Stove

    I've never seen one like this listed anyplace. I think this one may be about my age, which is getting closer to your age every year. I got it from an old violinmaker a looooong time ago. piper
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    A Real, By-Golly Simmering Stove

    The question always arises among alcohol stove users, "What about simmering?" Well, here's the answer. It is an alcohol stove used under a water filled glue pot in violin shops. The wick adjusts up and down with the knob, from a pretty nice flare to just sputtering blue glow. It is the...
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    Snakebite and sting kit

    This thing perhaps saved my foot, or circumvented bigger problems. I used it long and forcefully after the "nail in foot" incident. I may get another one so that i have a better chance of laying hands on it when i need it again. piper
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Yes, Russell, correct on all counts. You are right. That was the plywood. For some reason, known only to some simple minded A$$hoLe trespasser, that ply was ripped off the tree stump they mangled the preceeding year with what was probably a three dollar chinese hand axe, causing the...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    BK, when we put in the water was higher than we have ever seen it. By tuesday noon it was down some and when we paddled out i estimate it was down a good 2 1/2 Feet. I think the rain makes little difference there, and wind someplace else, maybe holding back the nearby river is a bigger...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Joey, if i remember, you were standing on the board so that i could pull my foot up off the nail. Then you threw the GD thing in the fire to sterilize it. Next time, sterilize it first, OK? piper
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    Candle Lantern

    Here's the report: I used the candle lantern both nights out this week on Grays Creek. I burned it all night, both nights. I have a tent with a fly and big mesh panels, but still thought the tent stayed nicer with the candle than it would have without. As i tend to wake up at times it...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Just for the record, too, Jack: about two years ago my antique cat was in distress with her toes caught in a laundry basket. when i tried to help, she bit me badly. In two days i was afraid i would lose the hand, it got reallllly nasty. Well, i re-opened the two little bite wounds and use...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Actually, we tried a little experiment and had Joey hold a couple of logs upright in the fire so that they would burn from the bottom end, and pre-heat the rest so it would catch faster. He'll be all healed up and ready to go back to work about April. On a more serious note, i stepped...
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Jack on the trips you don't make we always burn th big logs in the middle. I checked and a Blue Diamond match is a lot lighter than a saw. So, when they burn through, we have two nice sticks to slide in, side by side and burn. piper
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    rain and shine at grays creek

    Keep in mind that the new guy always does the dishes for a couple of trips. piper